Co-Editor - The PMFA Journal

Andrew Burd is a British trained Plastic Surgeon, a Harvard trained Scientist, a School of Life trained Educator and a Pragmatic Ethicist. He was the Professor of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Centenary Professor of Regenerative Medicine and Translational Science at the School of Tropical Medicine in Kolkata, India. He is currently completing his PhD looking at the potential for Big Data to influence Health Policy. He is the founding and current Editor of The PMFA Journal. He is a staunch patient advocate with uncompromising views on patient safety.

Latest Contribution

The World Association of Plastic Surgeons of Chinese Descent

With the 4th World Association of Plastic Surgeons of Chinese Descent (WAPSCD) coming up in November I thought I would share my experiences with you. I attended the second world congress in Taiwan for plastic surgeons of chinese descent which...

Durjoy – the Hong Kong story

I am appending this account to the previous article in order to illustrate how complex the reconstruction can be after an acid assault. Durjoy had acid poured into his mouth by his paternal aunt. It was a matter of inheritance....

The Need for Informed Opinions

It is important not to take sides too soon in any debate and let the various parties present their arguments. In this context, I mean ‘argument’ as a structured rational to support a specific position. With regard to aesthetic medicine...