Co-Editor - The PMFA Journal

Andrew Burd is a British trained Plastic Surgeon, a Harvard trained Scientist, a School of Life trained Educator and a Pragmatic Ethicist. He was the Professor of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Centenary Professor of Regenerative Medicine and Translational Science at the School of Tropical Medicine in Kolkata, India. He is currently completing his PhD looking at the potential for Big Data to influence Health Policy. He is the founding and current Editor of The PMFA Journal. He is a staunch patient advocate with uncompromising views on patient safety.

Latest Contribution

Perceptions and deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 21 July 2016

It must be bloggers block! The information incoming is just too great to handle. I have cross-posted about this blog in an editorial I have just written for our magazine. I am revisiting the inquest of a girl that died...

Perceptions and deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 4 July 2016

I would like to take this opportunity to share a blog with Chris Day and the other junior doctors to talk about ‘whistle blowing’ and what it means. Typically, it refers to people who “speak out of turn”, “wash the...

Perceptions and deceptions a personal blog by the editor 27 June 2016

I left the last blog with the statement that Zoey had been unlawfully killed. That is a pretty bold statement to make when the legal verdict is death by misadventure. But that was not a verdict based on validated evidence....