You searched for "temporalis muscle"
Modified temporalis muscle transfer for facial palsy
2 April 2015
| Martyn Webster
PMFA - Facial Plastic Surgery
Use of the temporalis muscle to mitigate the deformities of facial palsy is an accepted technique, but getting the temporalis muscle into the correct position, with the correct tension, is difficult but essential if the operation is to be successful....
Objective measurement of the available excursion of temporalis muscle-tendon unit for the paralysed face
1 April 2014
| Gregor M Bran
PMFA - Facial Plastic Surgery
The transfer of functional muscle tendon units offers the potential for restoration of some facial tone, symmetry and motion after a single-stage procedure in reanimating the paralysed face. Apart from selecting the right donor muscle of adequate strength and excursion,...
Malignant lesions and reconstruction of the pinna
2 August 2022
| Baskaran Ranganathan, Amr Abdelhamid
PMFA - General Plastic Surgery
External ear reconstruction can be challenging. Baskaran Ranganathan and Amr Abdelhamid describe how careful assessment, planning and surgery following the subunit principles and reconstructive ladder will ultimately lead to good aesthetic outcomes with restored form and function. The external ear,...