You searched for "photography"

287 results found

3D photography in facial rejuvenation

The term ageing is widely used to denote a series of changes that are clinically observed over time. Throughout the ageing process, the cell renewal capacity becomes slower. The fibroblast, which is the main cell of the dermis, undergoes a...

Using erythema-directed digital photography in patients with rosacea

The authors, from the University of Catania in Italy, discuss the promise that erythema-directed digital photography is showing in the clinical evaluation and targeted treatment of rosacea. Rosacea is a common chronic inflammatory facial condition that can lead to significant...

The Surgical Art of Facial Makeover (Two Volumes)

This is an excellent two-volume textbook written by a world leader in the field of facial deformity, facial corrective surgery and orthognathic surgery. The two volumes bring together the various subspecialties as well as other non-surgical components of treating facial...

Textbook of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (Volume 1-3)

This is a multi-author comprehensive plastic surgery textbook that comes in three volumes with 175 chapters. Most authors are based in South Asia and take the reader through a journey of patients in the developing world, their priorities and challenges....

The Dallas Rhinoplasty and Dallas Cosmetic Surgery Dissection Guide

Although this is the book review section, the first thing to note is that the book isn’t the main event here. This publication is a video and photograph dissection guide, produced from the world-renowned Dallas Rhinoplasty and Cosmetic Surgery Course....

Dark circles in the periorbital region

The author provides an insightful paper on the aetiological factors involved in dark circles and explores the treatment options. An emphasis is placed on the importance of undertaking a thorough patient consultation and history to establish causative factor(s), as well...

Reconstructive and Aesthetic Genital Surgery

This book is a comprehensive and contemporary resource covering genital surgery in both male and female patients. The first part is dedicated to reconstruction and follows a logical sequence from principles to practice. Simple techniques are detailed before the reconstructive...

Not all faces are alike

The author examined 108 photographs of faces taken in an exact front view, in order to look for different patterns of facial shapes: round, square, heart shaped, oval and long. The author recognised that this was a qualitative analysis and...

100 Hand Cases

As the synopsis suggests, 100 Hand Cases “provides a clinical write-up of 100 typical cases from two globally recognised authorities who cross over between plastic surgery and orthopaedics, the two specialties dedicated to training hand surgeons.” This is actually a...

Hollywood plastic surgeon turned inventor is changing how we view our patients

Safety in Cosmetic Surgery has taken a quantum leap with the introduction of the IC 360 camera system, now available in the UK, at The Chelmsford Day Surgery Centre. Preop evaluation, patient education and understanding, and outcome are far more...

Photoshopping the face: simulated outcomes of orthofacial surgery

Corrective facial surgeries are highly elective procedures. Outcomes depend largely on the nature of the surgery performed (requiring an in-depth knowledge of surgical techniques and anticipated soft tissue changes) and should be predictable in terms of risk and outcomes, in...

Reconstruction of the Head and Neck - a defect-orientated approach

Head and neck reconstruction following removal of oncological disease or trauma is the most varied and challenging surgery performed in the world. Techniques range from rotational flaps to free tissue transfer and microvascular anastomosis. All are covered in this textbook....