You searched for "multidisciplinary"

90 results found

Multidisciplinary approach to breast cancer conservation – therapeutic mammoplasty

Edinburgh-based plastic surgeon Ewa Majdak-Paredes provides us with a comprehensive review of therapeutic mammoplasty, a multidisciplinary approach to breast-conserving surgery with an emphasis on oncological safety and good aesthetic outcomes. Breast cancer Each year over 55,000 women in the UK...

In conversation with Vishal Madan, BMLA President

Vishal Madan is the President of the British Medical Laser Association. He spoke to Christopher Henson at the BMLA’s annual conference in Edinburgh about the event’s take home message, dermatological aestheticism and the potential for a multidisciplinary approach. What was...

The REAL Clinic: the sustainable building and running of a new clinic

Naveen Cavale is CEO and Consultant Plastic Surgeon at the REAL Clinic, a small clinic near the Battersea Power Station, South London. He has offered The PMFA Journal his insights into the setting up, and running, of a new hospital....

Introducing MAPP: The Medical Aesthetic Prescribing Programme empowering aesthetic nurses across the UK

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Medical Aesthetic Prescribing Programme (MAPP), a groundbreaking initiative designed to provide comprehensive education and support for aesthetic nurses aspiring to become prescribers.

Comprehensive Cleft Care Second Edition: Two Volume Set

This book (second edition) attempts to cover all the scientific and clinical disciplines related to cleft care, which is indeed a wide remit. It ably achieves its aims. It provides coverage of cleft care from prenatal diagnosis to definitive orthognathic...

Cosmetic work on the NHS

We now have official confirmation that cosmetic work should not be undertaken on the NHS, according to Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt. This appears to be based on figures that in the last six years 8000 people had abdominoplasties on the...

Facial Paralysis - A Comprehensive Rehabilitative Approach

Facial Paralysis – a Comprehensive Rehabilitative Approach provides a thorough account of the surgical management of facial nerve disorders. It is an enjoyable read – being a manageable size yet covering the topic in sufficient detail to appeal to the...

Body dysmorphic disorder and addiction to medical aesthetic procedures

This article by two expert authors within the field of anxiety disorders covers a highly poignant subject of growing interest within aesthetic medicine. It covers the definition and manifestation of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), underpinned by robust and current references,...

All about velopharyngeal dysfunction

The velopharynx functionally separates the oral from the nasal cavities. Inadequate or abnormal function of this muscular valve affects speech and swallow. Velopharyngeal dysfunction can be subdivided into insufficiency, incompetence and mislearning. This is a review paper and indeed a...

Otologic concerns for cleft lip and palate

The management of patients with cleft lip and palate includes a focus on effective speech and language function. Poor eustachian tube function and middle ear dysfunction mean over 90% of children suffer from otitis media with effusion. This article provides...

Post-cancer prosthodontic reconstruction

A functional outcome after head and neck cancer resection is aimed at restoring speech and swallow. Dental reconstruction greatly facilitates this, particularly by enabling the patient to chew food. The authors reinforce the need for careful presurgical planning with treatment...

A new free flap for the head and neck

Whilst the radial forearm free flap (RFFF) is well known and tested, this group of surgeons from Sunderland, UK, discuss their experience with a comparable flap. They advocate the medial sural artery perforator flap (MSAPF), with a long pedicle if...