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1165 results found

Ethical expert reports by CAPSCO

One of the most stressful days for a surgeon is when a letter marked 'Confidential' comes through the letter box. A firm of solicitors or a complaint manager from a regulatory body such as the General Medical Council or the...

How I Do It - Combination treatment after nose trauma

At Rhinoplasty London we see many sports related nasal injuries. Straight after the injury, patients may require immediate attention if the nose is bleeding heavily and won’t stop, if they have difficulty breathing through the nose, if there is a...

Behind the scenes of MZ Skin

Facial Aesthetics and Oculoplastic Surgeon Maryam Zamani takes us on her journey from the vision of creating a scientifically backed skincare range for women to the reality of her brand, MZ Skin, being launched onto the shelves of Harrods. We...

How I Do It - Laser hair removal: electrolysis

Electrolysis remains the only method of hair removal permitted by law in the UK [1] and USA [2] to be described as permanent. This is distinct from light-based methods which are permitted the description “permanent hair reduction”. Electrolysis is very...

Focus on: Cosmeceuticals (part 2)

To start the second part (see also Definitions, regulations and a review of the market and Skin anatomy and photoageing and Focus on: Cosmeceuticals (part 2) - continued) of this special focus on cosmeceuticals the authors will present some of...

Temple filler: an unusual complication

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. Hollowing of the temples is one the earliest signs of ageing, creating...

The role of expert witnesses in miscarriages of justice

‘Expert’ witnesses sometimes make mistakes. Great weight is often placed on expert evidence. The more esoteric the area of expertise, the greater the possibility of error. It follows that expert evidence sometimes leads to miscarriages of justice. Plastic surgery is...

What to look for in new exosome products: A guide to the exosome cosmetic market

Exosomes have become increasingly trendy in the cosmeceutical market, not only as the latest buzzword but also in alignment with the growing trend towards natural beauty. By harnessing the regenerative potential of exosomes and incorporating them into daily skincare routines...

IMCAS China 2015

The IMCAS brand is now well established as a global leader in bringing together a multi-disciplinary, multi-professional approach to the world of ‘aesthetic surgery and cosmetic dermatology’. The first meeting was held in Paris in 1994 and was promoted as...

Perceptions and Deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 26 September 2016

As I write this blog the noble few, the bold and brave few, are in the High Court in London presenting arguments to Judge. There is strong legal evidence to support a finding that the Right Honourable Jeremy Hunt has...

Perceptions and deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 14 December 2016

A Death in Hong Kong: an evolving essay and insight into medicine and the law in contemporary Hong Kong (part five) Whilst the death of Zoey Leung was now the focus of a criminal investigation I found myself dealing with...

Letter from Hong Kong (17 December 2020)

This will be the last ‘Letter from Hong Kong’. I began back in April with a simple message, wear masks.