You searched for "split"

206 results found

Celebrating Innovation: The AMWC Aesthetic Disruptors

The AMWC Aesthetic Disruptors is a unique initiative designed to spotlight the next generation of aesthetic medicine professionals.

The AMWC 2023 awards

In partnership with the Aesthetic Multispecialty Society (AMS), the 2023 AMWC Awards honours physicians for their innovative protocols and techniques, in addition to treatment results in the field of aesthetic & anti-ageing medicine. The ceremony is also an occasion to...

FNA in the diagnosis of malignant salivary gland tumours

Salivary gland tumours are relatively rare and occur with an incidence of 2.5-3% per 100,000 people. Histologically they are extremely diverse with several patterns; some of which overlap and exact diagnosis can be difficult. Indeed it can be difficult to...

Management of ruptured breast implants

Breast augmentation is a widely sought-after cosmetic procedure and has empowered individuals seeking aesthetic enhancement or reconstruction following mastectomy for breast cancer. Amid its popularity, the occurrence of implant rupture stands as a critical concern, impacting both physical wellbeing and...


The most adaptable platform on the market is the V-SERIES line of devices. This cutting-edge Multi-Technology platform, created to address a variety of skin issues in daily practice, combines...

Principles of Facial Reconstruction: A Subunit Approach to Cutaneous Repair

Principles of Facial Reconstruction is an excellent book for any trainee in plastic surgery, ENT or maxillofacial surgery. It is a well written book, that subdivides facial reconstruction into each subunit, with different chapters for each area. There are 10...

Albumin administration for fluid resuscitation in burn patients

The authors propose to investigate the ongoing controversy and debate surrounding the use of albumin in burns resuscitation; specifically they mention that the study is not investigating the use of albumin to correct hypoalbuminaemia. Mention is made of previously conducted...

A systematic review of silver sulphadiazine in the conservative management of burns

Silver sulphadiazine (SSD) has been used in conservative management of partial thickness burns (PTB), for over 50 years. Concerns have been raised over potential disadvantages of SSD including need for daily dressing changes, impairment of wound healing and expense. The...

Lacrimal gland carcinoma

This is a major review of the management of lacrimal gland carcinoma, focusing mainly on adenoid cystic carcinoma. Relevant literature published in English since 1970 was included amounting to some 40 articles after filtering. Overall mortality for all lacrimal gland...

Severe bone resorption in expanded polytetrafluoroethylene chin augmentation

This is a case report describing a 35-year-old woman who had had an expanded polytetrafluoroethylene chin implant inserted 13 years previously through an intraoral incision. She complained of pain in her chin and lower anterior teeth. A cephalogram showed severe...

Post-truth bogus science: Cosmetic surgical research concerns support the need for research integrity watchdog in Australia

The post-truth phenomenon has become a worldwide problem. The absence of a research integrity watchdog in Australia is causing related concern in aesthetic surgery, with the risk of research misconduct being allowed to prosper and benefit vested commercial interests. We...

In conversation with Thierry Besins

We were delighted to catch up with Thierry Besins, esteemed Plastic Surgeon and Scientific Director of AMWC. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the field of aesthetic plastic surgery and what have been the...