You searched for "research"

683 results found

Reconstructive Facial Plastic Surgery: A Problem-Solving Manual (Second edition)

There are many other books that describe the principles and techniques for head and neck reconstruction but few are so comprehensive and yet concise enough to be easy to read from cover to cover or simply browse for ideas. This...

Burns care in India: unique and continuing challenges

The author interviews Dr Shobha Chamania, Chief of Choithram Hospital Burn Unit, to obtain an insight into the unique challenges burns care practitioners face in India. Choithram Hospital Burn Unit is an Interburns accredited training centre located in Indore City,...

MD/PhDs or MD/MBAs: which do we need more to innovate in plastic surgery?

I would like to thank Arlen Meyers and Victor Castro for submitting this article. One of the problems that I have seen in my professional lifetime is the failure of entrepreneurs to grasp that there is no infinite health care...

In conversation with Dr Emanuele Bartoletti (2019)

We were delighted to catch up with Dr Emanuele Bartoletti, President of Società Italiana di Medicina Estetica (SIME) about this background and his thoughts on the importance of medical education. Dr Emanuele Bartoletti Can you tell us a bit about...

The efficacy of polynucleotide injections in aesthetic medicine: a review

Polynucleotide (PN) injections have gained significant attention in aesthetic medicine due to their beneficial effects on the skin, hair, and other tissues. This review explores the current evidence supporting the use of PN injections for various aesthetic concerns. Introduction Aesthetic...

Johnson & Johnson announces lead vaccine candidate for COVID-19

Johnson & Johnson has announced the selection of a lead COVID-19 vaccine candidate and the rapid scaling of its manufacturing capacity with the goal of providing global supply of more than one billion doses.

TRALI following fresh frozen plasma resuscitation from burn shock

This study aims to examine the incidence of transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI) in burns resuscitation using fresh frozen plasma (FFP). The authors conducted a retrospective chart review of patients who met their requirement of ‘severe burn‘, that being...

What is the best graft for nose surgery in the long-term?

The authors of this paper performed an experimental study on long-term histological changes in different grafts implanted subcutaneously in 25 New Zealand white rabbits. Ear cartilage, rib cartilage, autologous fascia, fascia allograft, diced rib and ear cartilage wrapped in autologous...

Histologic changes after two different protocols of facial skin fat grafting

The authors of this study show the results of two different protocols of fat grafting using adipose-derived stem cells. This is a prospective study with six consecutive patients in whom bilateral fat grafting was performed using centrifuged stromal cells on...

Stretch mark treatment comparison

This article shows a comparison between two simple methods of treatment which are currently widely used in the aesthetics industry to treat early striae distensae. With the increasing demand from patients to achieve an improvement in stretch marks, the drive...

The benefits of intense pulsed light

The authors of this paper have conducted a systematic review of the treatment of intense pulsed light (IPL) to treat a number of dermatological conditions. By reviewing existing literature, they intended to establish evidence to support physicians so IPL could...

Bioengineered human tissue

This is a literature review of the current status of tissue engineering related to ocular and oculoplastic reconstructive surgery. The authors describe the process of bioengineering for tissue reconstruction. The aim is to reproduce functional tissue by the use of...