You searched for "consultation"

903 results found

The three stages of breast reconstruction

Breast cancer has become so common that most people reading this article will know someone (either professionally or personally) who has been affected by breast cancer. One of the most common treatments for breast cancer is removal of the ‘whole’...

Cosmetic work on the NHS

We now have official confirmation that cosmetic work should not be undertaken on the NHS, according to Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt. This appears to be based on figures that in the last six years 8000 people had abdominoplasties on the...

Cautions, contraindications and complications in aesthetics

All aesthetic practitioners will face complications during their career. It is therefore vital to be prepared. Dr Nestor Demosthenous provides a comprehensive guide to potential complications when treating patients with fillers. A complication during or following a treatment carried out...

How I Do It - Primary rejuvenation upper blepharoplasty – tips from an oculoplastic surgeon

Preoperative For me the preoperative stage is actually the most important part in the patient’s journey and can take much longer than the actual operation itself. It takes me about 45-60 minutes to assess, counsel and consent for a primary...

How I Do It - Mesotherapy in combination with chemical peel

Photo-ageing, pigmentation, acne or rosacea can all have a significant impact on self-confidence and the overall quality of life. BioRePeelCl3 is a patented biphasic technology product based on 35% trichloroacetic acid, which allows safe and effective redermalisation and skin rejuvenation...

Cutting it fine online: social media and reputation management on the web

Social media is an amazing tool which, in its finest form, can be utilised to heighten your profile, increase brand awareness, promote your services, and fruitfully interact with colleagues, patients and the public. It is important, however, to remember that...

Is point of care ultrasonography just an inscrutable snowstorm or is it here to stay?

To non-radiologists ultrasound may always look like a snowstorm . . . so unless you are the one holding the scanner and moving it over the patient with some idea of their history, it is difficult to know what you...

High Definition Body Sculpting: Art And Advanced Lipoplasty Techniques

This book is a result of a professional life devoted to achieving the muscular, athletic or attractive forms that are currently in demand. There are over 250 pages of high quality text, photographs and illustrations. It is conveniently divided into...

How developments in maxillofacial surgery have contributed to improved quality of life for patients

The patient perspective, functional outcomes and morbidity are key factors that influence ‘quality of life’ [1,2]. There are many examples of how developments in oral and maxillofacial surgery have improved the outcome and ‘quality of life’ for patients with head,...

Combating winter skin

It is well documented that colder temperatures can have detrimental effects on the skin [1]. Individuals living in countries far from the equator, such as northern parts of Europe and North America are exposed to harsh weather during winter months,...

COVID-19: How the plastic surgery specialty is responding

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” So, what happens when there is no work? We present viewpoints from various plastic surgeons faced with the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. The members of the Cosmetic Surgery Forum...

How I Do It - The non-surgical rhinoplasty

Non-surgical rhinoplasty, also known as a ‘liquid nose job’ or ‘filler rhinoplasty’, is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that reshapes the nose using dermal fillers instead of traditional surgical techniques. It offers advantages such as minimal downtime and no incisions,...