You searched for "patients"

1165 results found

Nurse Practitioner joins Teoxane UK as product specialist for South Wales & the Southwest

Leading global dermal filler and dermocosmetics brand Teoxane has announced the appointment of experienced Nurse Practitioner Rachael Grey-Smart as Product Specialist for South Wales & the Southwest.

Face to Face – facial reconstructive surgery mission in Ukraine

Photo featuring Ivanna Nebor, MD, Vitaliy Panchenko, MD, Manoj Abraham, MD, John Frodel, MD, Augustine Moscatello, MD, Gregoriy Mashkevich, MD, Bruce Moskowitz, MD, Ryan Winters, MD, Boris Chernobilski, MD, Mykola Syniuk, MD, Serhiy Spivak, MD. In April 2023, a group...

Regenerative Medicine in Aesthetic Treatments: Stem cells, Stromal Vascular Fraction, Platelet Rich Plasma and Platelet Rich Fibrin

This book is a thoroughly informative and enjoyable read. The demand for integrative and regenerative medicine is rocketing and this book is a fantastic introduction to the subject. It is comprehensive yet a fairly comfortable read, easy to navigate and...

PRP and Microneedling in Aesthetic Medicine – NEW REVIEW

The content of this useful text is presented in a crisp layout with many tables which can be used as aide-memoires. Key points of each chapter are conveniently found at the beginning of the chapter. Sixty-two illustrations are spread throughout...

Reconstructive Plastic Surgery of the Head and Neck: Current Techniques and Flap Atlas

Head and neck reconstruction continues to provide a challenge to surgeons, driving innovative approaches in free-flap surgery and a need to embrace developing technologies. This excellent text, written primarily by authors from the renowned MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas,...

Rectal ketamine during paediatric burn wound dressing procedures

Ketamine is well reported as being safe to use in providing analgesia, sedation and amnesia in paediatric populations. This prospective, randomised, double-blinded study aimed to establish an optimum dose of ketamine in burns treatment settings in children aged six months...

Delayed improvement in Muller’s muscle ptosis surgery

This is a retrospective review of patients undergoing ptosis surgery. The authors had noticed anecdotally that although a posterior approach Muller’s muscle and conjunctival resection (MMCR) appeared to achieve similar results to an anterior approach levator resection (ALR) in the...

Serology testing in periocular inflammatory disease

This is a review article of serological tests in thyroid eye disease, IgG4-related disease and myasthenia gravis. The authors provide an overview of the current serology with a brief description of how they relate to the pathogenesis of each condition....

Reconstruction paediatric lower facial defects with an expanded flap from the submental region

Lower facial and perioral scars from burns or defects following treatment of vascular lesions can lead to serious facial deformity with lip ectropion and asymmetry. Conventional reconstructive methods like skin grafts or free flaps do not always give a satisfactory...

Long-term complication after nasal dorsum augmentation

This is a case report describing a 54-year-old man who had had a rhinoplasty 10 years earlier and was unaware that he had had a porous polyethylene dorsal nasal implant inserted. He presented with a small pustule in the lower...

Method of surgical resection affects reporting of margins of tumours in the oral cavity

It is important to obtain tumour-free resection margins in patients with oral cancer. Pathological processing is known to cause tissue to shrink, which affects the reported margins, and it is postulated that the method of resection also has an effect....

New recombinant human BMP for augmentation of the floor of the maxillary sinus

There has been a recent interest in the use of bone morphogenetic protein-7 (rhBMP-7) to augment the floor of the maxillary sinus. Loss of teeth in the posterior maxilla results in rapid horizontal and vertical reabsortion of alveolar bone because...