You searched for "consent"

1022 results found

Early facial fat grafting in Treacher Collins syndrome with malar bone grafts

The authors present their experience in three patients with the effect of early fat grafting at ≥6 months of age with later bone reconstruction of the orbitozygomatic area in patients with Treacher Collins syndrome. Fat grafting was performed two to...

The pitfalls of having cosmetic procedures abroad

The author presents an interesting and thought-provoking case study, describing the risks of undergoing non-surgical procedures overseas. The account describes the journey of an individual who sought treatment with a dermal filler on the basis of a ‘weekend experience’ in...

Post auricular advancement flap for partial helix defect repair

Ear defects can be the result of trauma, burns or ablative surgery. The three dimensional structure of the pinna with its subunits presents a difficult reconstructive challenge as successful reconstruction requires both similar tissue cover and a supporting framework. Partial...

A model for Lentigo Maligna recurrence

Lentigo Maligna presents a difficult problem for both the histopathologist and the plastic surgeon. The pathologist has great difficulty in assessing where the borders of the lesion lie, while the plastic surgeon is dealing with these lesions which commonly occur...

An analysis of 60 treated cystic lesions in children

This is a retrospective single centre study of 60 consecutive cases in children. Ages are from four months to 14 years and cover the period 2000-2012. All patients were treated under a general anaesthetic. As expected most of the cysts...

The supraclavicular artery flap for head and neck reconstruction

Free tissue transfer has been manifested to be the primary reconstructive tool for major ablative defects of the head and neck. However, many patients are not good candidates for free tissue transfer because of their medical comorbidities or lack of...

Repair of the supernumerary nostril

The supernumerary nostril is a rare challenge, first reported by Lindsay in 1906. It has been suggested that they may develop from an accessory nasal pit or from a fissure in the lateral nasal process to create a double nostril....

Chemical peels

Chemical peels are methods of skin resurfacing, and date back to ancient Egypt. Chemicals are applied and induce injury at specific depths in skin; the wound promotes collagen remodelling and improved surface appearance. There are three types: superficial, medium and...

­Immediate planned reconstruction following complex craniofacial reconstruction

The immediate reconstruction of 3-D craniofacial defects is extremely difficult and can be more difficult than the ablation. Perfect shape and symmetry is required. In the past decade this has largely improved with CAD/CAM engineering. The authors report a one-step...

Case-based illustration and discussion of surgical modalities to manage traumatic hand defects

The authors present four clinical cases of soft tissue defects affecting the hand and discuss various surgical management options available. These cases include a dorsal hand wound, thumb pulp defect, first webspace defect and a volar finger defect. For each...

Use of acellular dermal matrices in revisional breast reconstruction

In this study the authors present a review of their experience in using Acellular Dermal Matrix (AlloDerm) in revision breast reconstruction procedures. They retrospectively reviewed all revisional breast reconstruction cases over a five-year period in which AlloDerm had been utilised....

Objective measurement of the available excursion of temporalis muscle-tendon unit for the paralysed face

The transfer of functional muscle tendon units offers the potential for restoration of some facial tone, symmetry and motion after a single-stage procedure in reanimating the paralysed face. Apart from selecting the right donor muscle of adequate strength and excursion,...