You searched for "insurance"

467 results found

Cautions, contraindications and complications in aesthetics

All aesthetic practitioners will face complications during their career. It is therefore vital to be prepared. Dr Nestor Demosthenous provides a comprehensive guide to potential complications when treating patients with fillers. A complication during or following a treatment carried out...

The role of expert witnesses in miscarriages of justice

‘Expert’ witnesses sometimes make mistakes. Great weight is often placed on expert evidence. The more esoteric the area of expertise, the greater the possibility of error. It follows that expert evidence sometimes leads to miscarriages of justice. Plastic surgery is...

New game, new playing field: plastic surgery interviews in COVID-19

COVID-19 has drastically altered social norms. Anyone who dares to shake your hand, step within a two metre radius, or not wear their face mask is awarded disapproving looks. These public health precautions are now impacting plastic surgery residency recruitment,...

The use of neuromodulators in the management of TMJ disorders

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) articulates the mandible to the base of the skull. Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD) are a group of musculoskeletal syndromes affecting the TMJ and the supporting musculature. The muscles, bony articular surfaces and disc may all be...

Differences between compounded BHRT and conventional HRT

Can BHRT offer hope to women suffering from debilitating menopausal symptoms? Ruth Crofford, ‘the menopause nurse’, explores the evidence, safety issues and misconceptions around the therapy. Life expectancy for women in the UK is currently 80.96 years [1]. Females in...

Female Cosmetic Genital Surgery: lifestyle or science?

The demand for female cosmetic genital surgery (FCGS) has increased over the last decade [1]. This rise is difficult to quantify, as the majority of these procedures are performed in the private sector. However, this trend is also obvious within...

Wound moisture sensing in traumatic wounds

Wounds can be small and unpleasant, or may be large and life-threatening. The skin is a physical and an immunological barrier to infection, and any defect in the integrity of the skin may allow bacterial or fungal invasion to occur....

Bad splits

This is a meta-analysis of reported risk factors of a ‘bad split’ in a sagittal split mandibular osteotomy. They identified 30 observational articles and therefore acknowledged it is based on low quality studies. It is compounded by the definition of...

Suspension thread lift combination treatments

A true facelift can only be achieved through surgical means, at least for now, and given advances in techniques and anaesthesia, this has become far safer. Not everyone, however, requires a facelift. Non-surgical modalities such as thread lifts with or...

A suggested management pathway for rhinophyma and benign superficial skin lesions that includes the use of plasma

Rhinophyma is an aesthetic embarrassment to many people. It is the result of sebaceous gland hyperplasia within the skin over the alar cartilages of the nose. It has a familial tendency and in addition to being unsightly it can commonly...

When to treat a fractured mandible?

This is a prospective study from Brisbane of 215 patients with a total of 359 fractures of the mandible. Nine outcome variables were analysed with a further 19 included to adjust for potential confounding. Treatment delay was found not to...

Cryolipolysis: a review of published clinical data

Definition: Cryolipolysis is derived from the greek language, describing ‘cold’ and ‘fat breakdown’. History The actual phenomenon of cold induced adipocyte necrosis was originally described by Epstein et al. in 1970 who had reported the presence of a “red indurated...