You searched for "botox"

92 results found

Mid-facial augmentation with malar implants

The authors guide us through facial augmentation using implants to restore volume and a youthful appearance. In today’s ‘selfie-obsessed’ culture, there is no other anatomical region which carries greater social prestige and importance, than a well-proportioned ‘youthful’ face. In particular,...

The Evolution of Wood MediSpa

As surgeons we must have all dreamt of owning our own facility. The perfect dream of a stand-alone private hospital with the entire patient journey seamlessly mapped out. It would offer unparalleled continuity of care – the same team doing...

Platelet-based aesthetic therapies – to science from fiction

The author provides an overview of the theory behind platelet rich plasma and summarises the published evidence for its use in aesthetic treatments. Platelet-based treatments, commonly referred to collectively as platelet rich plasma (PRP), have been proposed and advocated for...

Liposuction – the evolution of the classical technique

From liposuction to adipose stem cells; from regenerative medicine to tissue engineering; and a vision of the future. Part 1 The history of attempts to sculpture fat dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, but Professor Yves-Gerard Illouz...

The Challenge of Renaissance, not Reconstruction: the aftermath of an acid attack

What madness makes a human being perpetrate a crime that is so horrible, so evil that makes it a capital offense (in Bangladesh) even though the death involved is of a person who remains alive? The motivation behind an interpersonal...

Periocular burns: a literature review of classification, management protocols and outcomes of treatment

The author provides a review of the current literature regarding the principles of classification, management protocols of acute ocular and periocular burns and the role of the burn and oculoplastic surgeon involved in their care. More than two-thirds of facial...

We need to talk about amputation – a difficult conversation in the developing world

What do you do when a patient refuses amputation? The author shares various cases and outlines her team’s approach to this scenario in Gaza. What to do when a patient refuses amputation for a severely damaged lower limb that will...

From PIP to DC-CIK to the Sorcerer’s Apprentice: a medico-political minefield

Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) was a French company that manufactured silicone breast implants that were surgically implanted mainly for cosmetic breast augmentation. Of note, ‘cosmetic’ is used in the strict sense of the word meaning false and artificial and does...