You searched for "Oral"

242 results found

Ointment related granulomas post-blepharoplasty

This is a retrospective review of eight patients who developed granulomatous masses after lower lid blepharoplasty. All patients had sutureless bilateral trans-conjunctival surgery, and lubricating ointment was instilled into the inferior fornix postoperatively for two days. Painless lower lid masses...

A new free flap for the head and neck

Whilst the radial forearm free flap (RFFF) is well known and tested, this group of surgeons from Sunderland, UK, discuss their experience with a comparable flap. They advocate the medial sural artery perforator flap (MSAPF), with a long pedicle if...

An update on alopecia treatment options

In this paper the authors make a thorough review of the different medical and surgical options for the treatment of androgenic alopecia. Combined therapy with oral finasteride and topical minoxidil continue to be the mainstay for medical treatment. Follicular unit...

Free flap reconstruction in stage 3 bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis

There is no widely accepted gold standard for the treatments of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis (BRONJ). Whereas the lesser stages of this BRONJ seem to respond well to conservative and minimal invasive therapies there is controversy regarding the treatment of the later...

A conservative approach to treat ameloblastoma

Ameloblastoma is a relatively rare odontogenic tumour that is benign but locally aggressive. Additionally they tend to recur locally. These are rare accounting for 1% of oral tumours and occur almost exclusively in the jaws. It is more common in...

Condylar fractures – current thinking

The author presents a review of 133 papers, most of which are recent and some of which are historic. The topic examined is that of condylar fractures including condylar neck and coronoid process. This topic has always been controversial and...

In vivo animals model shows no disadvantages of osteosynthesis with pins compared to titanium screws for condylar fractures

The advantages of resorbable pins have been proved in craniofacial surgeries. Here the authors extend its use to fractures of the condylar head, which are surgically challenging. The authors aimed to compare in vivo, the stability of fixation of condylar...

A comprehensive proforma for maxillo-facial trauma

The authors begin by emphasising the importance of complete medical records in maxillo-facial trauma by pointing to the fact that the records not only provide the necessary clinical information but also provide legal protection of both the patient and the...

Surgery for class III malocclusions pharyngeal airway and sleep apnoea effects

Thirty-three patients from Brazil were assessed for obstructive sleep apnoea and hypopnoea syndrome pre- and six months postoperatively. The 33 patients were made up of nine having mandibular set back surgery, six maxillary advancement and 18 bi-maxillary surgery. They identified...

Blindness after orthognathic surgery

This is a case report and review of the literature of this rare, but well recognised alarming complication. The authors discuss the possible mechanisms, suggesting that it does not arise from a direct injury to the optic nerve and is...

SPECT scans not justified in growth of the mandibular condyle

This is a paper from Hong Kong of 200 patients between January 2011 and July 2013 who underwent SPECT bone scintigraphy for assessment of growth causing condylar hyperplasia and subsequent mandibular asymmetry. Thirty-four patients were found to have active growth...

One anastomosis or two

This is a cumulative meta-analysis from Hong Kong reviewing 27 articles and a total of 7389 flaps. The authors, at the outset, acknowledge that the number of anastomoses is not the only factor of venous compromise and flap failure. Nonetheless...