You searched for "surgeon"

1017 results found

Method of surgical resection affects reporting of margins of tumours in the oral cavity

It is important to obtain tumour-free resection margins in patients with oral cancer. Pathological processing is known to cause tissue to shrink, which affects the reported margins, and it is postulated that the method of resection also has an effect....

New recombinant human BMP for augmentation of the floor of the maxillary sinus

There has been a recent interest in the use of bone morphogenetic protein-7 (rhBMP-7) to augment the floor of the maxillary sinus. Loss of teeth in the posterior maxilla results in rapid horizontal and vertical reabsortion of alveolar bone because...

Endoscope and concealed incisions for small benign tumours of the accessory parotid gland

While the most common conventional approaches for benign tumours of the parotid gland are the standard parotidectomy incision, a modified standard parotidectomy incision and a face lift incision, the authors have used a modified endoscopic approach with minimal concealed incisions...

Quality of life in patients with titanium implant retained auricular prostheses

This is a retrospective study of 10 patients with titanium implant retained auricular prostheses. Quality of life was evaluated using three questionnaires: the Glasgow Benefit Inventory (GBI), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale, and the standard Medical Outcome Study Short-Form 12. Peri-implant...

Serology testing in periocular inflammatory disease

This is a review article of serological tests in thyroid eye disease, IgG4-related disease and myasthenia gravis. The authors provide an overview of the current serology with a brief description of how they relate to the pathogenesis of each condition....

Lateral canthal position after lateral orbitotomy

This is a retrospective photographic study of changes in the lateral canthal position following a lateral orbitotomy performed via a lateral canthotomy and cantholysis of both upper and lower limbs of the lateral canthal tendon. Reconstruction of the lateral canthus...

Systemic screening in adnexal lymphoma

This is a retrospective review of 119 patients diagnosed with ocular adnexal lymphoma, 85 of whom had primary adnexal disease and 34 had previously been diagnosed with lymphoma outside the ocular adnexa. Sixty-eight of the primary and 24 of the...

A review of orbital plasmacytomas

This is a multicentre review of 30 patients with orbital plasmacytomas. There were equal numbers of males and females, and the average age at diagnosis was 57 years. All patients were either already diagnosed with systemic multiple myeloma or it...

Imaging and histological relationship of orbital schwannomas

This is a retrospective review of 15 patients with orbital schwannomas comparing the radiological characteristics, in particular the signal intensity on MRI with the histological sub-types of the tumours. Five patients had MRI imaging alone, three had CT alone and...

Total lower lip reconstruction: a review

Total or near total defects of the lower lip may result from trauma, cancer ablation or congenital causes. Defects usually involve the full thickness and include skin, muscle and mucosa. There are a number of techniques for the one stage...

Occlusal splint, injections or arthrocentesis in myofascial pain

Facial pain is a fairly common complaint and may present in a myriad of symptoms. These patients present to both dentists and general practitioners and could end up referred to a number of specialists. Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) may originate from...

To use or not to use: absorbable sutures for facial wounds

This systematic literature review looked at studies comparing facial skin closure with absorable versus non-absorbable sutures. Studies not published in English, or looking at areas other than the head and neck, and studies focused on suture technique rather than material...