You searched for "safer"

1078 results found

Reduction of postoperative bruising and swelling

This is a review of 27 patients undergoing periocular surgery who postoperatively applied hydrogel pads impregnated with Arnica montana and Ledum palustre (Ocumend, Cearna inc., Chicago). The pads were used continuously for the first two postoperative days, changing them every...

Lateral crura reinforcement with the sandwich technique

Maintaining nasal tip structure and contour is an important goal during rhinoplasty surgery. Tip deformities can occur due to lateral crura malposition, trauma or sometimes due to excess of lateral crura triming during previous surgeries. The consequences of lateral crura...

Burns debridement: VersajetTM vs. conventional debridement

A prospective randomised controlled trial was undertaken to compare conventional tangential burn wound debridement against the use of Versajet™ hydrosurgery in the treatment of partial thickness paediatric burns. Seventy-five children under the age of 16 were recruited for the study...

Perceptions and Deceptions (A Death in Hong Kong.) 6 December 2016

An evolving essay and insight into Medicine and the Law in contemporary Hong Kong. A girl’s brain was destroyed due to medical negligence. She had entrusted her life to a celebrity cosmetic surgeon who was going to make her breasts...

Letter from Hong Kong (8 May 2020)

The latest 'letter' from our man in Hong Kong, The PMFA Journal Co-editor Andrew Burd.


As plastic surgery becomes increasingly sub specialised, academic meetings covering specific niches multiply like the proverbial lapine model. Whilst such meetings satisfy the educational requirements of the supraspecialist within us all they arguably detract from our alter ego the generalist....

Vivacy introduces ground-breaking commercial policy

The Vivacy Loyalty Scheme in a nutshell: great prices for high-quality products all year round. We constantly check our prices across the whole market and we are confident that we offer great value and...

Hair Loss and Restoration

Shapiro and Otbeg elegantly address the causes of hair loss, both idiopathic and pathological, and explain the treatments currently and the evidence behind them Our understanding of the pathophysiology of hair loss has evolved greatly in recent years. Before the...

Perforator Flaps – Anatomy, Technique, & Clinical Application (2nd Edition)

The two-volume second edition of this great work is simply an essential component of all good plastic surgery libraries, both as an inspiring read and a valuable reference. The second edition mirrors the first in its basic structure and layout,...

Transgender breast surgery

Most plastic surgeons working outside specialist centres for gender affirmation surgery will have a number of patients within their population wishing to undergo their breast surgery more locally. Surgery for this small minority is informed largely by experience in the...

In conversation with Fateh Ahmad

We spoke to Fateh Ahmad about his career in plastic & craniofacial surgery, advice to those new to the field and his new role as President of the RSM Section of Plastic Surgery Can you tell us a little bit...

In conversation with Mr Marc Pacifico (2019)

We were delighted to chat to Mr Marc Pacifico, BAAPS Council Member, about his career in plastic surgery and plans for this year’s Annual Meeting. You are internationally recognised in the field of aesthetic plastic surgery – can you tell...