You searched for "surgeon"

1017 results found

Perceptions and Deceptions a personal blog by the editor 15 Apr 2016

This is a personal blog. The theme is ‘perceptions and deceptions’ related to professional practice. There is a lifetime of blogging in this theme, but let me move on. Consider that fabulous bit of TV drama where HBO were setting...

Restoring youth to the upper midface by blending the lid-cheek junction

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. Rejuvenation of the eyes has a very high impact on the overall...

Combination therapy for PIH in skin of colour

Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is very common in skin of colour with up to 65% of African, Hispanic, and Asian populations experiencing symptoms from acne and up to 90% of patients experiencing symptoms from pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB) [1,2]. PIH can be...

Temple filler: an unusual complication

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. Hollowing of the temples is one the earliest signs of ageing, creating...

Non-surgical rhinoplasty

Some patients would like to alter the appearance of their nose without surgery or make further subtle changes after a rhinoplasty. Lydia Badia explains how this can be done, thanks to injectable fillers.

Rectal ketamine during paediatric burn wound dressing procedures

Ketamine is well reported as being safe to use in providing analgesia, sedation and amnesia in paediatric populations. This prospective, randomised, double-blinded study aimed to establish an optimum dose of ketamine in burns treatment settings in children aged six months...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 10) – Informed consent (ii)

In the context of medicine, we typically speak of informed consent as having both an ethical and a legal basis. The ethics are related to patient autonomy and human rights. The legal perspective relates to the definition of what occurs if consent is not obtained, and a physical intervention occurs (assault or battery at a minimum and it would appear, gross negligence if things go wrong).

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 16) – Aggravating factors

The Judge just cannot say, “Lee’s airway and oxygenation were not established or maintained”. This is nonsensical from the perspective of a person trained in medicine. Even more senseless from a person who is not. If Lee’s airway was not established and maintained, how did Lee survive a three-hour operation, albeit in the prone position and without developing any signs of cyanosis?

How I Do It - Combination treatment after nose trauma

At Rhinoplasty London we see many sports related nasal injuries. Straight after the injury, patients may require immediate attention if the nose is bleeding heavily and won’t stop, if they have difficulty breathing through the nose, if there is a...

Staying in touch

Although I am retired, I still receive the British Medical Journal every week and feel slightly guilty if I do not at least tear off the plastic cover before I throw it into the recycle bin... By taking off the...

Lymphedema – Complete Medical and Surgical Review

This single 600-page volume is one of relatively few books that draws together all of the current knowledge and understanding of lymphoedema, its pathogenesis, investigation, staging and management. The book’s authors are well known for their expertise in the field...

Is it possible to fix condylar neck fractures with one plate?

Fractures of the condylar neck are fairly common and account for over 25% of all mandible fractures. Over the years a number of modalities have been used to fix these fractures. Direct reduction is complicated by the overlying proximity of...