You searched for "Wounds"

797 results found

Purse string closure after excision of paediatric facial lesions

Circular excision and purse-string closure has been described for infantile haemangiomas as an alternative to lenticular excision. Records of 77 consecutive paediatric patients with facial skin lesions treated with circular excision and purse-string closure from 2007-2014 were reviewed. Lesions excised...

How I Do It - Primary rejuvenation upper blepharoplasty – tips from an oculoplastic surgeon

Preoperative For me the preoperative stage is actually the most important part in the patient’s journey and can take much longer than the actual operation itself. It takes me about 45-60 minutes to assess, counsel and consent for a primary...

How I Do It - Approaches to lip augmentation: surgical lip lift

A surgical lip lift is particularly effective in lips that require both an increase in vertical height and eversion. Upper lip lifts have been described since the 1980s [1,2] but the most commonly used form was described by Oscar Ramirez...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 24) - Prescribing Habits

How do doctors learn to prescribe/use drugs in a safe and effective manner? This is no simple question and when the issue of a prescribing habit being regarded as lethal it becomes highly relevant.

How I Do It - Laser-assisted submental liposuction

The author shares a low risk, minimally invasive procedure that offers excellent aesthetic results. Liposuction of the submental and jowl regions is a low risk outpatient procedure that gives a profound aesthetic result. Since the late 1960s, the techniques have...

Basic principles of bioengineering and regeneration

The ability to create de novo tissue to replace that removed from patients during surgery is a relatively recent advance. However, this is a fast-moving field and one which surgeons must be aware of from practical, ethical and scientific viewpoints....

ISBI practice guidelines for burn care

Practice guidelines (PGs) for burn care were first published in 2001 with multiple updates from the American Burn Association (ABA) on specific areas of burn care including resuscitation, electrical injury, pain management and venous thromboembolism prophylaxis. Significantly, previous guidelines have...

Autologous fat graft in scar treatment

A retrospective study was performed of 694 patients with contracted and painful scars over a six year period. A total of 376 patients had burn scars, 54 patients had scars due to road trauma, 92 patients had scars from domestic...

Early treatment of scars with laser therapy

Wound healing is a complex process, made up of three phases that overlap with each other: inflammation, proliferation and remodelling [1]. The last phase is the remodelling of the extracellular matrix resulting in a mature scar; it lasts from three...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 14) – Records of necessary information: Drugs Administered and the physiological response of the patient

It is the system that places the Judge as an interpreter of “truths” and sadly, susceptible to false information.

A ventral solution to a perineal problem: a case report

The repair of postoperative perineal hernias is extremely challenging. Two male patients with problematic secondary perineal hernias following abdominoperineal resection of rectal adenocarcinoma have been successfully treated using the Ventralex™ composite, self-expanding ventral patch, normally used for umbilical and epigastric...

The three stages of breast reconstruction

Breast cancer has become so common that most people reading this article will know someone (either professionally or personally) who has been affected by breast cancer. One of the most common treatments for breast cancer is removal of the ‘whole’...