You searched for "PLASTA"

788 results found

Biodegradable plates in lateral orbitotomy surgery

This is a description of a new method for fixating the bone flap during a lateral orbitotomy. The technique involves the use of an absorbable lactide plate. This is warmed in a water bath to allow trimming and moulding to...

Exosomes: everything you always wanted to know and questions to ask your exosome provider

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. What are exosomes? Exosomes are just one subset of extracellular vesicles (EVs),...

Combating winter skin

It is well documented that colder temperatures can have detrimental effects on the skin [1]. Individuals living in countries far from the equator, such as northern parts of Europe and North America are exposed to harsh weather during winter months,...

Patient-Specific Hybrid Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty has changed considerably over the past one hundred years, not only in terms of the surgical techniques used, but also in the outcome desired by patients. There are now a large number of surgical techniques used which deal with...

Addressing eyelid ptosis in upper lid blepharoplasty

The authors of this article thoroughly explain the anatomical basis of upper eyelid asymmetry and the impact it may have on blepharoplasty. The eyelid is divided into three different areas (brow fat span, tarsal plate show and margin reflex distance)...

Polydioxanone in septal reconstruction

Septal reconstruction is a challenging problem and is undertaken for functional or cosmetic reasons or a combination of both. Either autologous cartilage, commonly auricular, or other alloplastic material can be used. The authors describe the use of a polydioxanone (PDS)...

Filler complications: is there a way to prevent vascular compromise with 3D-anatomy?

The use of facial filler injections has increased dramatically over the last 10 years and so has the incidence of complications. The main and most serious adverse event is vascular compromise. The most feared consequences are devastating: blindness, skin necrosis...

Essentials of Plastic Surgery: Q&A Companion

This excellent second edition of Q&A Companion of the very well-established Essentials of Plastic Surgery by Dr Jeffrey Janis provides a complete and detailed overview of the entire plastic surgery syllabus. All material is up-to-date and has been written as...

Is it possible to fix condylar neck fractures with one plate?

Fractures of the condylar neck are fairly common and account for over 25% of all mandible fractures. Over the years a number of modalities have been used to fix these fractures. Direct reduction is complicated by the overlying proximity of...

Facial rejuvenation with the Profound RF System

Ageing of the face has become more noticeable among men and women in the modern world. The new work-from-home environment with more and more online meetings has created surroundings where people see themselves repeatedly on screen and therefore many have...

How I Do It - Aesthetic reconstruction of the nasal radix-rhinion complex

The radix-rhinion complex forms one of the most important pillars of nasal aesthetics. Due to its complex anatomical nature and distance from the point of access, this region can be commonly involved in suboptimal results. Tailor-made operative planning Most of...

Medicinal leech therapy in plastic surgery

The medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis) has played a role in treating illness for over 3500 years [1]. It has survived rapid paradigm shifts in medical sciences and knowledge. In Ancient Rome, the use of leeches for bloodletting was propagated by...