You searched for "practice"

936 results found

Orbital filler for enophthalmos in Parry-Romberg syndrome

This is a retrospective review of three patients with enophthalmos in sighted eyes secondary to Parry-Romberg syndrome. The patients were all female, aged between 24 and 54. All three patients had 4mm of relative enophthalmos prior to treatment. They each...

Pliability and elasticity of the external nasal skin in unilateral nasal valve collapse

The authors performed this study to test the hypothesis that the nasal skin of patients with unilateral nasal valve collapse demonstrates reduced elasticity and increased pliability on the side of the collapse compared with the nasal skin on the side...

Combined Vismodegib and Mohs surgery

This is a report of eight patients with locally advanced periocular basal cell carcinoma who were treated with Vismodegib prior to Mohs micrographic surgery. The rationale for the combined treatment plan was that long-term Vismodegib is poorly tolerated due to...

Corneal neurotisation with an allograft

This is the first reported use of an acellular nerve allograft for corneal neurotisation. Seven patients received a 7cm long commercially prepared acellular nerve allograft. This was coapted to a functioning supratrochlear, supraorbital or infraorbital nerve and then tunnelled to...

IgG4-related disease or Graves orbitopathy

This is a retrospective review of patients who had been diagnosed with both IgG4-related ophthalmic disease (IgG4-ROD) and Graves orbitopathy over a four-year period. Eight patients were identified. The diagnosis of IgG4-ROD was based on 10 or more IgG4+ plasma...

Thyroid eye disease and obstructive sleep apnoea

This is a retrospective study looking for an association between compressive optic neuropathy in thyroid eye disease (TED-CON) and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). One hundred and nine patients with thyroid eye disease were asked to complete a validated questionnaire designed...

Radiotherapy for orbital apex cavernous haemangiomas

This is a review of six patients with cavernous venous malformations (haemangiomas) involving the orbital apex who were treated with fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy. Patients were diagnosed on MRI imaging with only one having had previous surgery to debulk the lesion....

Congenital ptosis and astigmatism

This is a review of the effect of congenital ptosis surgery on refractive error. Seventy-one eyes of 56 patients were reviewed. The unoperated eye in unilateral cases was used as the control group. The mean age at surgery was 5.1...

Nasal appearance evaluations following spreader graft placement

Widening the nasal dorsum has been one of the major aesthetic concerns after using spreader grafts to improve nasal airway obstruction in patients with nasal valve problems. In this study the authors evaluated the association of functional septorhinoplasty using spreader...

Vitamin D and thyroid eye disease

This is a retrospective review of vitamin D levels in patients with thyroid eye disease (TED). Vitamin D levels in 89 patients with Grave’s disease and TED were compared against 89 patients with Grave’s disease and no TED. They also...

Ablepharon-macrostomia syndrome

The ablepharon-macrostomia syndrome is a very rare condition caused by a dominant mutation in the TWIST2 gene. Congenital defects include rudimentary eyelids, macrostomia, ambiguous genitalia and campodactyly. Neonates are at risk of severe corneal exposure without intervention. Previous reports have...

Less extrusion of StopLoss Jones Tubes

This is a retrospective comparison of the survival of StopLoss Jones tubes with conventional Lester Jones tubes. Between 2014 and 2016, 31 StopLoss and 59 Lester-Jones tubes were inserted. The authors compared the extrusion and sinking-in rates between the StopLoss...