You searched for "safer"

1093 results found

Soft tissue changes following maxillary osteotomy, comparison of three computer programmes

This small group of seven patients had a Le Fort I advancement maxillary osteotomy with vertical repositioning and alar base cinch sutures. They were assessed with cone beam CTs three months preoperatively and one year postoperatively. A clinical comparison between...

SPECT scans not justified in growth of the mandibular condyle

This is a paper from Hong Kong of 200 patients between January 2011 and July 2013 who underwent SPECT bone scintigraphy for assessment of growth causing condylar hyperplasia and subsequent mandibular asymmetry. Thirty-four patients were found to have active growth...

Cheek augmentation from A to Z

An outline of facial assessment principles and anatomical considerations regarding augmenting the cheek and mid-face is explored. Background statistics are stated regarding the number of injectable procedures performed, referenced to American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) data, 2016. Attention...

Assessment and management of the mature female face with dermal fillers

The author presents an interesting and popular aesthetic topic with discussion on the background of the growth and demand for dermal fillers, including some of the popular types currently favoured. There is discussion on poly-L-Lactic acid and calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA)...

Marcus-Gunn jaw winking without ptosis

This is a review of 72 cases of Marcus-Gunn jaw winking syndrome. The authors reviewed all their congenital ptoses seen over a 16-year period and found 72 Marcus-Gunn cases out of a total of 848 patients. Within the 72 they...

The effect of smoking status on burn inhalation injury mortality

It is well recognised that inhalational injury is a major predictor of mortality in burns patients. However, there have not been any studies looking at the effect smoking (and its effects on the lungs) in these patients. Therefore, this is...

Significance of exterior capsular spread in a clinically negative neck

This is a retrospective paper from Zagreb of 61 patients with a clinically T1-T3 N0 squamous cell carcinoma undergoing primary surgical treatment. All patients had a level I-IIII/IV elective neck dissection. Those who had adverse histological features, including extracapsular spread,...

Another paper advocating resection templates

Resection in the head and neck region leads to complex defects with significant impairment in function. Reconstruction is even more difficult and to improve the accuracy of both resection and reconstruction a number of aids are used. With the improved...

Conjunctival mapping biopsies in sebaceous carcinoma

This is a retrospective review of conjunctival mapping biopsies in patients with periocular sebaceous cell carcinoma. The authors reviewed the biopsy technique and outcomes of 45 patients who had mapping biopsies performed over a 25-year period. A total of 429...

Oral photoprotection

The author presents an insightful review of the benefits of systemic photoprotection through orally ingested nutrients, advocating a need for a greater level of protection against free-radicals. Vitamin C is discussed in relation to its role in immune function, collagen...

Topical and systemic interventions for the treatment of rosacea

The author provides current statistical information on the incidence of rosacea and ambiguity surrounding the aetiology of the common, yet complex condition. The paper reinforces the importance of providing symptom specific treatments, as well as the key position of aesthetic...

Beautification or distortion? Tackling the lip augmentation phenomenon

The number of lip augmentation procedures performed continues to rise exponentially. The author provides a detailed discussion of the rise of this popular treatment with an overview of how injectable materials have evolved; from paraffin, liquid silicone and bovine collagen....