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936 results found

Superficial lymphatics of the abdominal wall in lymphatic microsurgery

This elegant and beautifully illustrated article requires to be carefully studied in its entirety by any surgeon planning to carry out lymphovenous anastomoses or vascularised lymph node transfer in the groin area. As the authors point out, the most difficult...

Prophylactic postoperative antibiotics for enucleation or evisceration

The authors report on a retrospective, multicentre, comparative case series looking at prophylactic antibiotics and the incidence of orbital cellulitis following enucleation or evisceration. Of the 644 cases included in the analysis, all received a single perioperative intravenous dose of...

Medial conjunctivoplasty for epiphora associated with conjunctivochalasis

The authors describe a retrospective review of 18 patients (25 eyes) who underwent medial conjunctivoplasty for epiphora between 2000 and 2012. In all cases, the epiphora was felt to be predominantly due to the mechanical disruption of normal tear flow...

Descending branch peroneal artery perforator flap

Reconstruction of distal third defects in the lower limb is a challenge that often requires microsurgical free tissue transfer. The authors introduce a peroneal artery perforator flap based on the deep descending branch for reconstruction of lateral malleolar defects. They...

Lymphatic microsurgery to treat lymphoedema

The authors discuss the role of surgery to manage primary and secondary lymphoedema in patients whose lymphoedema has not been controlled by standard conservative measures and whose symptoms are worsening. There is a brief discussion of the relevant investigations and...

Endoscopic brow lift in the course of time

The authors present a systematic review on the advantages and disadvantages of various brow-lifting techniques. They present their decision algorithm for closed versus opened approach, including potential complications and their management in general. After a detailed description of the endoscopic...

Fat grafting within the focus of facial ageing

Volume restoration has become a cornerstone in the current model of understanding and approaching the aging face. Sam Lam offers a review in order to place fat grafting in its proper place, with all of its attendant risks, benefits and...

Male pattern baldness is not all in the genes

Gentlemen, be advised (if it’s not already too late) that you may be able to influence your chances of going bald. The authors of this study compared the patterns of baldness in 92 pairs of identical twins and correlated these...

Proprioception and ptosis

This is a small prospective study investigating the effect of proprioceptive factors on upper lid height. Eight unilaterally anophthalmic patients with ocular prostheses and normal lid heights had standardised photographic measurements taken of their eyelid and brow positions. Three sets...

Reconstructing post-resective auricular defects

The auricle is split into six specific anatomic subunits that vary in skin thickness, contour, structural integrity and the availability of healthy surrounding tissues. It is important to reconstruct an aesthetically pleasing auricle as slight deformities may be prominent. The...

Myopathic ptosis and lower lid retraction surgery

This is a description of a surgical technique which simultaneously addresses both the upper lid ptosis and lower lid retraction in patients with moderate to severe myopathic ptosis. The procedure was performed on 16 eyes of nine patients and involved...

Conjunctival mapping biopsies in sebaceous carcinoma

This is a retrospective review of conjunctival mapping biopsies in patients with periocular sebaceous cell carcinoma. The authors reviewed the biopsy technique and outcomes of 45 patients who had mapping biopsies performed over a 25-year period. A total of 429...