You searched for "tip rhinoplasty"

140 results found

Body contouring surgery following massive weight loss

There are many different perceptions about what defines the term ‘overweight’. The reality is however that, for many, being overweight is a condition that brings with it significant health and social problems. It is estimated that almost two thirds of...

Complications in Facial Plastic Surgery: prevention and management

It is always welcome news to hear of books related to the subspecialty of facial plastic surgery, particularly good books, and this book certainly fits into that category. This multi author book is written by well established facial plastic surgeons...

Rediscovering the Lost Art of Endonasal Rhinoplasty

The invention of modern rhinoplasty by Joseph transformed our understanding of nasal anatomy and surgery. His endonasal technique soon spread from Europe to the USA and dominated the surgical culture of the 20th century. The excessive removal nasal support structures...

How I Do It - Combination treatment after nose trauma

At Rhinoplasty London we see many sports related nasal injuries. Straight after the injury, patients may require immediate attention if the nose is bleeding heavily and won’t stop, if they have difficulty breathing through the nose, if there is a...

How I Do It - Nose reshaping using advanced fillers

Nose reshaping, often inappropriately referred to as the ‘non-surgical rhinoplasty’, is one of the procedures where good outcomes are more difficult to achieve when using dermal fillers alone. The alternative has usually been to perform a conventional surgical rhinoplasty and...

Management of alar retraction

This paper shows the results of a retrospective study on aetiology and treatment of one of the most common issues in rhinoplasty, alar retraction as defined by Jack Gunter’s classification system. The study was made using pre- and postoperative photographs...

Combined procedures: lipo-abdominoplasty and lipo-inner thighplasty (string technique) and face rejuvenation

From liposuction to adipose stem cells; from regenerative medicine to tissue engineering; and a vision of the future. Part 2 With the evolution of superficial suction lipectomy in the 1990’s the need for skin resection became less common and the...

Aesthetic Surgery Techniques: A Case-Based Approach

To have a different approach in plastic surgical techniques is always welcome. This multi-author book, with chapters written by a number of contributors who read like a ‘who’s who’ of plastic surgery, is a very useful addition to your bookshelf....

Should Plastic Surgeons 'De-skill'?

For some time now I have been thinking about when a surgeon actually deskills through not doing a particular operation. In particular, this applies to plastic surgeons after completion of NHS type training with no previous exposure to cosmetic patients...

Plastic Surgery Volume 2: Aesthetic Surgery

All aspects of aesthetic plastic surgery (excepting breast) are covered in this volume beginning with chapters on the management of the aesthetic patient and the principles and practice of non-surgical facial rejuvenation including the use of Botulinum toxins, fillers and...

Reconstructing the keystone area

This manuscript describes two different ways to stabilise the keystone area during extracorporeal septoplasty. The authors performed a retrospective study on 110 patients who were operated for extracorporeal septoplasty by multiple surgeons. The patients were divided into two groups; in...

Impact of lateral crural repositioning on alar rim position

Cephalic orientation of the lower lateral cartilages results in tip fullness, a bulbous tip, and alar instability during inspiration. It has an incidence of approximately 68% in primary and 87% in secondary rhinoplasty patients. Paquet et al. performed the first,...