You searched for "Wounds"

797 results found

CO2 laser treatment of rhinophyma

This article has been verified for CPD. Click the button below to answer a few short questions and download a form to be included in your CPD folder. The authors describe their technique and experience of treating rhinophymas with a...

Edinburgh cosmetic doctor fundraises for local NHS workers

Regular contributor to The PMFA Journal, Dr Nestor Demosthenous, has created a JustGiving page to generate support for Edinburgh and Lothians' healthcare workers currently at the forefront of the COVID-19 response.

Classical facelift: a modern British perspective

It is clearly impossible to outline the whole of this subject matter in a short editorial article; many theses have been written in this field. This article is designed to give an overview to those reasonably familiar with this area...

Auricular reconstruction: star-pattern reconstruction

We describe our approach to straightforward reconstruction of the peripheral auricle using the established star-pattern design. Skin malignancies developing on the auricle continue to be regarded as high-risk lesions due to their propensity to recur and for lymphatic spread. Greater...

Thermal injury and false eyelashes

Please Click here for the CPD Feedback form on this article The authors provide a case of cyanoacrylate glue causing a thermal burn on the eyelid and explain how this type of burn should be managed. The use of false...

Using autologous blood to reduce post-operative infections

The removal of impacted wisdom teeth is a commonly carried out surgical procedure in maxillofacial surgery. Apart from the usual complications of postoperative bleeding and wound infection, the most painful one is alveolar osteitis. This is mainly dependent on retaining...

Acid attacks: part 2

The PMFA Journal Editor Andrew Burd continues with his exploration of the optimum treatment protocol for managing the devastating injuries wrought by acid attacks (see Part 1 here). In part one of this series I outlined the evolution of my...

9th Edition of International Conference on Dentistry and Oral Health (ICDO 2024)

The 9th Edition of the International Conference on Dentistry and Oral Health (CE Accredited) scheduled for September 02-04, 2024 in Madrid, Spain and virtually sounds like an exceptional opportunity for dental professionals to engage in a rich exchange of knowledge...

How I Do It - Congenital midline cervical cleft excision and reconstruction

Congenital midline cervical cleft (CMCC) is an extremely rare malformation comprising: a cranial soft tissue protuberance and a caudal blind-ending sinus connected by a vertical defect of absent or atrophic skin with an underlying subcutaneous fibrous cord that can extend...

How I Do It - Postoperative care following aesthetic breast surgery – augmentation, reduction / mastopexy and augmentation mastopexy

The first aspect of postoperative care is to prevent or pre-empt potential problems; two main concerns are bleeding and infection. Towards the end of the procedure, I always undertake an antiseptic or saline washout before closing and check the blood...

In conversation with Dr Yannis Alexandrides

We were delighted to chat to Dr Yannis Alexandrides, the American and British board certified Plastic Surgeon, specialising in facial reconstructive surgery. You are internationally renowned in the field of plastic surgery – what made you choose this as a...

The efficacy of polynucleotide injections in aesthetic medicine: a review

Polynucleotide (PN) injections have gained significant attention in aesthetic medicine due to their beneficial effects on the skin, hair, and other tissues. This review explores the current evidence supporting the use of PN injections for various aesthetic concerns. Introduction Aesthetic...