You searched for "surgeon"

1017 results found

Carnoy’s and the KOT

This is a retrospective review of 105 patients with keratocystic odontogenic tumours treated over a 23-year period with a mean follow-up of 86 months. The recurrence rate was 11.4%. Permanent neuro-sensory deficit of the inferior alveolar nerve was 16%. Younger...

Plunging new depths for the treatment of ranulas

This series of 15 patients describes treatment for ranulas with a suture technique performed as an outpatient under local anaesthesia, in a two-stage process. The authors state that they have modified a historical Chinese technique. During the first visit, the...

Treatment of established facial palsy with botulinum toxin followed by half mirror exercises

Seventeen patients with unilateral facial palsy for more than a year were treated with botulinum toxin injections to relieve symptoms of facial synkinesis or hyperkinetic movements. Three injections were given at six to eight month intervals, followed by daily half...

Modified temporalis muscle transfer for facial palsy

Use of the temporalis muscle to mitigate the deformities of facial palsy is an accepted technique, but getting the temporalis muscle into the correct position, with the correct tension, is difficult but essential if the operation is to be successful....

Fat grafting as therapy for Raynaud’s

The authors have adapted the technique of lipo-filling, previously described for rejuvenation of the hand, to achieve symptom reduction in patients with primary and secondary Raynaud’s that had previously failed to respond to medical treatments. The majority of the subjects...

Superiorly based nasolabial flaps

This interesting paper takes the common or garden nasolabial flap to new extremes. The flap is based on the contralateral superior orbital artery and behaves as an axial patterned flap as far as the alar rim, becoming a random patterned...

Additional venous anastomoses to safeguard DIEP flaps

That DIEP flaps can be troublesome is not news and many descriptions exist trying to circumvent these problems. The most common problem is venous congestion in the flap and this paper presents an ingenious method of anticipating and forestalling such...

Electrochemotherapy for BCCs

A remarkable account of an effective non-surgical treatment for basal cell carcinomas (BCCs). Electrochemotherapy (ECT) consists of making the area surrounding the lesion temporarily permeable using electric pulses (under local anaesthesia), then bleomycin is administered to the area. The treatment...

Oestrogen receptors in breast capsules – experimental findings

This study from Rome, on humans, is stated by the authors to be not definitive and further work is required before any treatment can be recommended. But careful analysis of oestrogen receptors in breast capsules and the number of fibroblasts...

Raised serum lactate as a marker in the diagnosis of necrotising fasciitis

A 10-year prospective study of cases of suspected necrotising fasciitis was made, involving 53 patients. Of these, 28 had histologically proven necrotising fasciitis, 25 did not. Serum lactate measured at presentation of those who had the condition was 4.1+or-1.62 mmol/l...

Pose in imaging the breast

Inconsistency in breast imaging is remarkably frequent. Even a simple photograph can mislead, depending upon whether or not the arms are held by the sides, are raised above the head or are akimbo. However, the real gold standard in three...

Modifying the DIEP flap in autologous breast reconstruction, introducing a fifth ‘Fleur-de-lis’ zone

With current consumer disquiet about silicone implants, more patients may request autologous reconstruction. This can cause difficulties in patients who have undergone massive weight loss. The authors describe an ingenious solution, modifying the deep inferior epigastric perforators (DIEP) flap to...