You searched for "PLASTA"

788 results found

In conversation with Prof Ashraf Badawi

We were delighted to speak with Professor Ashraf Badawi about his distinguished career in dermatology. You are internationally recognised in the field of dermatology – can you tell us a little bit about your background? I come from a scientific...

Facing the World (FTW) offers hope to children born with severe facial deformities

Facing the World (FTW) has been active internationally since 2002, and in Vietnam since 2008. The children’s medical Foundation offers hope to children born with severe facial deformities. We have pioneered a bold new approach to sustainable healthcare, with self-run...

How I Do It - X neo-umbilicoplasty

Following an abdominoplasty the umbilicus is repositioned and inset into a new position. When healed it should have a natural appearance and in order to get this outcome it is necessary to understand what is ‘normal’. Several different morphological appearances...

Mercy Mission: all aboard with Mercy Ships off the coast of West Africa

Countries along the coast of West Africa are amongst the poorest in the world. Extreme levels of poverty often lead to poor outcomes or fatalities in many medical conditions that would be eminently treatable, with good outcomes in more developed...

Mercy Ships’ hope and healing in Madagascar

Since my last article on the mission of the Mercy Ships in 2013, the current vessel, the Africa Mercy has continued to bring hope and healing to the people of West Africa. Having completed a very successful eight-month visit to...

The origin of the Children’s Burns Club

Burn injuries can affect any of us or our families at any time. A momentary lapse in attention can lead to a lifetime of scarring. Whilst any individual member of a family group can be physically scarred, all the family...

The safety of performing elective dermatological procedures under local anaesthetic during the COVID-19 pandemic

During the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, guidance advised postponement of elective procedures except for time-critical local anaesthetic (LA) procedures [1-3]; our NHS Trust therefore continued with LA skin malignancy surgery. All patients having possible skin cancer lesions removed...

A picture is worth a thousand words… communicating with your patients more effectively

Communicating information effectively with patients is essential yet often challenging. Plastic Surgeon Gavin Miller takes us through his approach to using online resources to make the process as effective as possible. Getting ideas across to other people isn’t always easy,...

How I Do It - Non-surgical approach to facial palsy – a preliminary case report

In October 2013, a female patient presented for an initial consultation. She had a past medical history of left lower seventh (facial) nerve palsy following excision of left benign parotid adenoma in 2002. This had been treated over the years,...

Business administration for aesthetic practitioners – why be managed when you can manage?

Do you know what the difference is between a profit and loss account or a balance sheet? Have you wondered how you will market your practice? What can you do to drive your team to success? These are just some...

Face Eyes Nose 2014

Non-surgical facial aesthetics symposium The non-surgical facial aesthetics symposium provided a stimulating and interesting programme, comprised of a faculty of expert consultant plastic surgeons & cosmetic doctors. The course director, Mr Rana Das Gupta commenced the day and introduced the...

Perceptions and deceptions A personal blog by the editor 30 Mar 2016

The PMFA News website is the perfect place to share your views. We are objective. And we are free. I recently resigned from my post as Centenary Professor in the Department of Regenerative Medicine and Translational Science. I was an...