You searched for "regeneration"

850 results found

Non-medical prescribing within the context of aesthetic practice

The article forms part of a series as a detailed discussion of the legal and professional considerations and boundaries for non-medical prescribing for aesthetic nurses. The history of nurse-prescribing is explored, highlighting the professional accountability outlined by the Nursing and...

How I Do It - Performing a mastopexy or reduction using Breform™ mesh

Gravity defying breast surgery – the Holy Grail for breast surgeons. Repeat ptosis and pseudoptosis are significant problems facing patients and surgeons after breast reduction and mastopexy. Further surgery to correct this can be challenging, with increased complications, and the...

Perceptions and deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 14 December 2016

A Death in Hong Kong: an evolving essay and insight into medicine and the law in contemporary Hong Kong (part five) Whilst the death of Zoey Leung was now the focus of a criminal investigation I found myself dealing with...

How I Do It - Using the AURA 3D imaging system to bring a new shared visual language to the consultation process

Technology now allows us to go to a higher level of detail in evaluating the characteristics of patients. Up to now, the acquisition of patient images has been carried out with 2D cameras. Unlike 2D photographs, 3D imaging devices provide...

Runny nose after nonsurgical rhinoplasty – review of cases

Hyaluronic acid filler injections have become a popular procedure worldwide; according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) from 2019 to 2022 filler procedures have increased by 70% [1]. Non-surgical rhinoplasty is becoming a popular procedure because of the...

Wound moisture sensing in traumatic wounds

Wounds can be small and unpleasant, or may be large and life-threatening. The skin is a physical and an immunological barrier to infection, and any defect in the integrity of the skin may allow bacterial or fungal invasion to occur....

COVID-19 unlock and aesthetic medicine: response from BCAM

The SARS-COV2 virus and the associated COVID-19 disease have caused immense social, financial and personal strain. But now we are taking the first tentative steps to exit the phase 1 lockdown.

ISBI practice guidelines for burn care

Practice guidelines (PGs) for burn care were first published in 2001 with multiple updates from the American Burn Association (ABA) on specific areas of burn care including resuscitation, electrical injury, pain management and venous thromboembolism prophylaxis. Significantly, previous guidelines have...

The patient journey in DIEP flap breast reconstruction

In the UK approximately 40,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. About 40% of these need, or choose, to undergo mastectomy, where all of the breast tissue is removed. Currently around a third of these patients choose to...

The safety of performing elective dermatological procedures under local anaesthetic during the COVID-19 pandemic

During the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, guidance advised postponement of elective procedures except for time-critical local anaesthetic (LA) procedures [1-3]; our NHS Trust therefore continued with LA skin malignancy surgery. All patients having possible skin cancer lesions removed...

Luminescens® protocol: an efficient tool against recurrent melasma

Melasma is a hyperpigmentary skin disease with a complex multifactorial pathogenesis which is not yet well understood. Risk factors include a genetic predisposition, sun exposure, stress, medications, and pregnancy [1]. It is clinically characterised by asymptomatic light to dark brown...

How I Do It - Buttock augmentation with hyaluronic acid fillers

There has been a notable increase in the popularity of body procedures over the years. The advancement in non-surgical body treatments has made it convenient for people to get the body they desire without having to deal with downtime or...