You searched for "aesthetic"

839 results found

Perceptions and Deceptions a personal blog by the editor 9 June 2016

Distractions! I am getting behind my timetable for the on-going story. So let me press on. I shall only comment at the outset that with regard to the Junior Doctors Contract issue in the UK, I do think the government...

How I Do It - Treating cellulite: Cellfina

Cellulite is characterised by the dimpling of the buttocks and thighs which causes an uneven texture of the skin surface. Worldwide, cellulite affects 84 million women. Causes of cellulite include genetics, sedentary lifestyle and weight gain. Cellfina targets the structural...

Sialendoscopy assisted excision of parotid stones

This is a retrospective paper from China that looks to assess the efficacy and safety of sialendoscopy with a combined transoral or transcutaneous approach for the removal of parotid stones. Sialolithiasis is known to be a major cause for obstructive...

Z-plasty release of congenital muscular torticollis

Congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) is common in neonates, with a frequency of 0.3% to 2%, and usually responds to passive stretching below the age of one year. This study evaluated the results of performing an inferior Z-plasty release of the...

Risk factors for loco regional recurrence for oral SCC

Over a quarter of a million cases of oral squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) are diagnosed annually worldwide with 128,000 registered deaths. In spite of much-improved anaesthetic and surgical techniques, survival rates have not improved much over the past three decades....

Soft tissue augmentation – a review

The author explains how treating the face as a 3D structure is key to a good result with invasive or non-invasive procedures. History Rejuvenation of the face and trying to reverse the effects of ageing dates back centuries. Facial volume...

Perceptions and Deceptions a personal blog by the editor 26 May 2016

It is only human nature to let emotional elements affect a personal perspective. When I saw pictures of Jeremy saying “Victory” I posted a comment on the Junior Doctors contract forum saying that I thought a non-negotiable part of the...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 14) – Records of necessary information: Drugs Administered and the physiological response of the patient

It is the system that places the Judge as an interpreter of “truths” and sadly, susceptible to false information.

Auricular reconstruction: star-pattern reconstruction

We describe our approach to straightforward reconstruction of the peripheral auricle using the established star-pattern design. Skin malignancies developing on the auricle continue to be regarded as high-risk lesions due to their propensity to recur and for lymphatic spread. Greater...

Mindfulness tools in practice and why we need them

We hear a lot about how to manage our medical aesthetics businesses / private medical practices. Everyday there are at least five emails from social media marketing companies telling us how they can get us on the first page of...

In conversation with Dr Yannis Alexandrides

We were delighted to chat to Dr Yannis Alexandrides, the American and British board certified Plastic Surgeon, specialising in facial reconstructive surgery. You are internationally renowned in the field of plastic surgery – what made you choose this as a...

Regulation of non-surgical cosmetic interventions

As Paul Harris and Mark Henley discussed in a previous article (see here), certification of cosmetic surgery is being encouraged. Sally Taber, from the JCCP, outlines why non-surgical cosmetic interventions are arguably more urgently in need of effective regulation. Regulation...