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695 results found

Choosing a 3D printer for reconstructive surgery

3D printing was first developed in the 1980s, but it wasn’t until the early 2010s that the additive manufacturing or 3D printing technology advanced enough to become available to those outside of specialist laboratories. 3D printing has also begun to...

Emergenza Sorrisi – Doctors for Smiling Children

History Our association was born in 2007, originally under the name SmileTrain Italy Onlus, with the aim of operating on children affected by cleft lip and palate in the developing world, offering them the possibility to smile and to have...

How I Do It - Treatment of lower eyelid bulging: transconjunctival laser approach

Ageing related weakening of the inferior orbital septum and increase of orbital fat volume is considered to result in lower lid prominence. Attenuation of the septum allows the gradual herniation of one or more of the three intraorbital fat pads....

OPINION - Influencers affect us all: but are they as good as we think?

Recently I was approached by the son of a 75-year-old lady for a second opinion on a large fungating malignant melanoma on the outer lateral aspect of her left thigh. She had noticed an enlarging 50p size pigmented lesion just...

In conversation with Dr Suzan Obagi

We caught up with famous cosmetic dermatologist Dr Suzan Obagi following her visit to the UK this summer. Dr Suzan Obagi You are one of the foremost cosmetic surgeons / dermatologists in the United States – can you tell us...

How I Do It - Treating the ageing neck with Ellevate™ plus

The ageing and sagging neck cannot always be successfully corrected using standard facelift techniques, even those that include extensive SMAS lift [1]. Adjuncts to treatment can include liposuction, radiofrequency or similar skin tightening procedures, open or closed platysmaplasty, extensive SMAS...

How I Do It - Facial peeling using retinol peel

An established body of literature acknowledges the efficacy and safety profile of retinoids (a family of compounds derived from vitamin A), in treating a variety of textural skin concerns, such as, coarseness, rhytides, pigmentation, enlarged pores, photodamage and inhibition of...

How I Do It - Approaches to acne treatment: Pulsed-dye laser

Acne vulgaris is the most common skin disease worldwide and inflammatory acne has significant psychological impact with potential for long-term emotional and physical sequelae [1]. Energy based treatments are useful both as adjuncts to traditional therapies and particularly for patients...

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PART I: Degraded professionalism among leading figures in Australian plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Combined procedures: lipo-abdominoplasty and lipo-inner thighplasty (string technique) and face rejuvenation

From liposuction to adipose stem cells; from regenerative medicine to tissue engineering; and a vision of the future. Part 2 With the evolution of superficial suction lipectomy in the 1990’s the need for skin resection became less common and the...

An epidemic of lower limb gunshot injuries

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact upon us all, the author, a reconstructive plastic surgeon, provides a thought-provoking account of a different type of epidemic that is having devastating consequences. The Oxford English Dictionary defines an epidemic as “a...

The arguments for polyurethane covered breast implants in cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery

The surgeon’s viewpoint Medical grade silicone has been used for breast augmentation since the 1960s and is the preferred base material to use as the filler in breast implants. Cohesive gel silicone implants are now exclusively available in the UK....