You searched for "surgeon"

1017 results found

Facial aesthetics and orthognathic surgery

Most maxillofacial procedures have an aesthetic element. Reconstructive procedures and surgery to correct congenital abnormalities such as cleft lip have an obvious aesthetic impact. When making surgical incisions for access to the underlying facial skeleton consideration will be made to...

Septal perforation repair and rhinoplasty

The authors present the findings of a retrospective study included 17 patients who underwent rhinoplasty with concurrent septal perforation repair. They analysed the aetiology of the deformity, presenting symptoms, perforation size, intraoperative surgical techniques and complications. They evaluated postoperative subjective...

Mirror image orbital implants in enopthalmus

This is a review from Chile of five patients who underwent surgery utilising customised implants. Two methods to make the titanium implants were used between the five patients. All patients had diplopia in the gaze position prior to implant placement....

Medical tattooing for a better life

Dermatography (medical tattooing), was first documented in the 19th century, and is nowadays frequently performed for nipple reconstruction after mastectomy. Despite its popularity in the field of breast reconstruction, this procedure is not used on a broad scale in any...

A modification of the crescentic flap for nasal skin reconstruction

Non melanoma skin cancers are the most frequent malignant skin tumours and in over 25% of cases affect the nose. Following excision, the reconstruction can be challenging. The nasal complex has adjacent concave and convex surfaces, minimal laxity and nasal...

Impact of lateral crural repositioning on alar rim position

Cephalic orientation of the lower lateral cartilages results in tip fullness, a bulbous tip, and alar instability during inspiration. It has an incidence of approximately 68% in primary and 87% in secondary rhinoplasty patients. Paquet et al. performed the first,...

Facelifting after radiotherapy for head and neck tumours

This paper sought to determine whether facelifting in patients with prior radiotherapy for head and neck cancer was safe. This study focuses on a small sample of 16 patients matched to controls who were retrospectively assessed for major surgical morbidity....

Post-cancer prosthodontic reconstruction

A functional outcome after head and neck cancer resection is aimed at restoring speech and swallow. Dental reconstruction greatly facilitates this, particularly by enabling the patient to chew food. The authors reinforce the need for careful presurgical planning with treatment...

Satisfaction and complications of body contouring surgery

Fifty-five patients undergoing body contouring surgery over three years is an experience worth sharing and the photographs show excellent results, with which most patients were delighted. One of the postoperative photographs shows that a patient had a decorative tattoo performed...

Wide variation in the volume of the sphenoid trigone

This is a radiological study of the volume of the sphenoid trigone in normal subjects. The authors were interested to see how much volume could be gained by removal of the trigone during an orbital decompression for thyroid eye disease....

Nasal deformity following CPAP injury

Nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) is commonly used as a non-invasive alternative to endotracheal intubation and tracheotomy, to provide respiratory support to very low birth weight (VLBW) (<1500g) neonates. Nasal injury is a well recognised complication and figures quoted...

Semi dynamic reconstruction of the lower lip

The main goal of reconstructive surgery for facial paralysis is the restoration of smiling and function of eye closure. The deformity of the lower lip in paralysis is ptosis of the corner of the mouth, eversion of the vermillion and...