You searched for "safer"

1077 results found

Bone thickness and split pattern in mandibular osteotomies

This paper looked at 63 sagittal split ramus osteotomy sites. The type of split was classified according to the Plooij paper and bone measurements were taken at four sites. Of these sites, the thickness of the bone in one point,...

Maximising the results of blepharoplasty

The aesthetic anatomy of lower eyelid is detailed leading to discussion of operative technique to achieve the goals of blepharoplasty; for the lower lid these are a youthful lid cheek junction, a positive canthal tilt and no scleral show. The...

A new autologous flap option for breast reconstruction

The authors of this paper present the first meaningful series utilising the lateral thigh perforator flap for breast construction. Eight patients had delayed unilateral reconstruction, each with two stacked flaps. Anastamoses were performed antegrade and retrograde to one internal mammary...

The double-half bilobed flap or traditional bilobed flap – which is better?

Reconstruction of the nasal tip following ablative surgery can be taxing. The nasal tip is a very visible area with largely immovable skin and reconstruction needs an appreciation of the various sub-units to achieve best results. The traditional superiorly based...

Patient-related outcomes in rhinoplasty surgery

This paper centres on defining and providing a patient-related outcome tool in rhinoplasty surgery. There are currently no validated tools specifically for cosmetic alteration of the nose alone. The authors devised specific scales within the FACE-Q framework to specifically assess...

Effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin

A comprehensive paper concerning the dermal effects of sun exposure, including strategies which aesthetic nurses can adopt to guide patients in making evidence-based choices in selecting suitable sun protection. The key principles of ultraviolet radiation (UVR), including the immediate and...

The initial management of nasal trauma

Nasal trauma and fractures are some of the most prevalent clinical problems in a facial surgery practice. Fractures of the nose are the most common facial fractures and reported to be the third most common fracture of the human skeleton....

Crushed cartilage and fibrin sealant graft for radix augmentation

This paper shows a new technique for radix augmentation on Asian patients using crushed cartilage layers stacked on the nasal dorsum and stabilised with fibrin sealant. The study was made on 51 patients operated by the same surgeon in two...

An update on alopecia treatment options

In this paper the authors make a thorough review of the different medical and surgical options for the treatment of androgenic alopecia. Combined therapy with oral finasteride and topical minoxidil continue to be the mainstay for medical treatment. Follicular unit...

A model for Lentigo Maligna recurrence

Lentigo Maligna presents a difficult problem for both the histopathologist and the plastic surgeon. The pathologist has great difficulty in assessing where the borders of the lesion lie, while the plastic surgeon is dealing with these lesions which commonly occur...

A retrospective comparison between standard septoplasty and extracorporeal septoplasty

This paper shows the results of a retrospective study made on 169 patients with nasal obstruction due to a deviated nasal septum who were operated using a standard septoplasty technique or performing an extracorporeal septoplasty. Postoperative nasal patency, aesthetic outcome,...

Coupler microvascular anastomoses: how good?

This is a paper written by a group of reconstructive surgeons and school of computing. This study used computational fluid dynamics to model blood flow through ‘idealised sutured and coupled’ vessels. They investigate if the anastomotic technique affects intra vascular...