This is a multicentre review of 30 patients with orbital plasmacytomas. There were equal numbers of males and females, and the average age at diagnosis was 57 years. All patients were either already diagnosed with systemic multiple myeloma or it...
This is a retrospective review of 15 patients with orbital schwannomas comparing the radiological characteristics, in particular the signal intensity on MRI with the histological sub-types of the tumours. Five patients had MRI imaging alone, three had CT alone and...
This is a retrospective review of 40 patients who underwent enucleation using a non-conventional technique in which the recti muscles were detached from the sclera without pre-placing any sutures to secure the cut muscle ends. The surgery was only performed...
This is a retrospective review of 119 patients diagnosed with ocular adnexal lymphoma, 85 of whom had primary adnexal disease and 34 had previously been diagnosed with lymphoma outside the ocular adnexa. Sixty-eight of the primary and 24 of the...
This is a retrospective review of 319 orbital decompression operations in 169 patients (73% female) with thyroid eye disease. Three wall decompressions were performed in 92 eyes, 2-wall in 206 (medial and floor), and a single wall (medial) in 18,...
This is a retrospective 12 year review of 61 patients diagnosed with periocular allergic dermatitis. The average age was 66 years, with 74% being female. The commonest indications for referral were epiphora, ectropion and blepharitis; and the main symptoms were...
The authors present the findings of a retrospective study included 63 patients had rhino-septoplasty using autologous costal cartilage (ACC) and 20 had rhino-septoplasty using irradiated homologous costal cartilage (IHCC) to compare the clinical results of major augmentation rhinoplasty using ACC...
This is an interesting review of a rare group of tumours which together comprise the adnexal sweat gland carcinomas. Although there are only 22 patients, this is the largest cohort ever published. The authors summarise the clinical presentation, stage, management...
This is a retrospective review of 95 eyes of 54 patients undergoing orbital decompression for Graves’ orbitopathy. All patients had a swinging eyelid approach across the whole of the lower lid. Thirty-six eyes also had insertion of a 0.3mm thick...
The authors of this paper present their experience in dealing with fillers complications. With an astonishing group of 219 patients over a seven-year period this may be one of the largest series of treated fillers complications in the literature.The authors...
This is a review of 27 patients undergoing periocular surgery who postoperatively applied hydrogel pads impregnated with Arnica montana and Ledum palustre (Ocumend, Cearna inc., Chicago). The pads were used continuously for the first two postoperative days, changing them every...
This is a retrospective review of the change over time in the sub-brow fat volume in 104 patients with thyroid eye disease. Standardised photographs taken at diagnosis were compared with those taken after an average period of 10 years (+/-...