You searched for "tattoos"

287 results found

Editor's comment on: RCSEd warning over NHS workforce survey results

The PMFA Journal co-editor, Andrew Burd, responds to the RCSEd warning issued in light of an NHS workforce survey results, which suggest that three-quarters of surgeons have considered an overseas move.

Postoperative delirium

This is a retrospective study from Japan analysing 102 patients who underwent oral cancer resection and free flap reconstruction. Postoperative delirium occurred in a third of these patients. An increased risk was identified in those with high preoperative albumin, postoperative...

Risk factors for loco regional recurrence for oral SCC

Over a quarter of a million cases of oral squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) are diagnosed annually worldwide with 128,000 registered deaths. In spite of much-improved anaesthetic and surgical techniques, survival rates have not improved much over the past three decades....

Bleb-related changes in upper lid position

This is a review of five patients with upper lid ptosis or lid retraction secondary to large filtering blebs post-trabeculectomy. The authors review each case and apply a model to analyse the separate forces acting on the upper lid to...

Factors which predict the utilisation of plastic dressing clinics in paediatric burns

This paper seeks to identify which factors impact on the re-attendance rates at a paediatric outpatient service following a burn. A retrospective review of patients admitted to a single paediatric burns unit (Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh) over a...

The dynamic nature of orbital cavernous haemangiomas

This paper seeks to address the question of how much do orbital cavernous haemangiomas actually change over time, and if there are any identifiable factors which can predict which lesions will grow and which will remain stable. In particular, if...

How I Do It - Facial peeling using retinol peel

An established body of literature acknowledges the efficacy and safety profile of retinoids (a family of compounds derived from vitamin A), in treating a variety of textural skin concerns, such as, coarseness, rhytides, pigmentation, enlarged pores, photodamage and inhibition of...

Assessing acne vulgaris

The author reviews the evidence surrounding acne development, prevalence and assessment, discussing the importance of capturing a detailed patient history, with reference to aspects of the author’s own assessment tool. The crucial role of the pilosebaceous unit in relation to...

Caring for our patients: postoperative nausea and vomiting

This review article cites as its basis ‘The Consensus Guidelines for Managing Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting’, an international panel of experts’ evidence-based opinions, and the IMPACT Study. The pathophysiology, risk factors, and strategies for reducing postoperative nausea and vomiting (POVN)...

Male pattern baldness is not all in the genes

Gentlemen, be advised (if it’s not already too late) that you may be able to influence your chances of going bald. The authors of this study compared the patterns of baldness in 92 pairs of identical twins and correlated these...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 24) - Prescribing Habits

How do doctors learn to prescribe/use drugs in a safe and effective manner? This is no simple question and when the issue of a prescribing habit being regarded as lethal it becomes highly relevant.

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 14) – Records of necessary information: Drugs Administered and the physiological response of the patient

It is the system that places the Judge as an interpreter of “truths” and sadly, susceptible to false information.