You searched for "regenerative"

345 results found

Platelet rich plasma

Claudia McGloin provides an overview of this misunderstood procedure. Platelet rich plasma treatment is commonly known as PRP, Dracula Therapy, Vampire Facial / Facelift, S3, Self-Stimulated Serum, Liquid Gold or Vampire Therapy. Platelet rich plasma has been around for a...

Perioperative management of the head and neck cancer patient

The perioperative care of patients with head and neck cancer is complex and requires significant preoperative planning and patient education. The issues include analgesia, antibiotics, stoma and wound care, general and chest physiotherapy, thromboprophylaxis and nutrition. This article provides a...

How I Do It - Scar treatment with sequential combination of short full beam and photo-acoustic fractional 1064nm QS laser

Wound healing takes place by two distinct mechanisms. The first involves cellular proliferation and migration resulting in regeneration. This occurs in the epidermis and leaves no scarring. The dermis is a collagen-rich connective tissue and when this is damaged the...

Oral supplementation for skin health and rejuvenation

Lauren Jamieson explores the increasing evidence behind the role of supplements in skin health – an exciting development in the world of aesthetic medicine. The fact that lifestyle factors – and diet most especially – have a profound influence on...

CO₂ laser treatment for burn scars

Background Scars, of any type, can be a significant source of anxiety and psychological distress, not only for the affected patient, but also for close friends and loved ones. Scars represent focalised areas of fibrous tissue that replace normal skin...

Bone augmentation for dental implant surgery

Crawford Gray, Dental Implant Clinician in Aberdeen, demonstrates how the development of grafting materials and techniques has allowed an improved aesthetic outcome from dental implant surgery. The provision of dental implants has become an accepted part of patient care, encompassing...

Could epidermal grafting be the solution to vitiligo?

Dr Foutsizoglou shares his thoughts on a recent innovation based on epidermal grafting that could be used on vitiligo patients. I attended the ‘Make Better Summit Meeting’, an international surgical congress organised by Acelity™ and chaired by Professor Dr med....

Application of substance P as an osteogenitor in mandibular distraction osteogenesis

In this well organised study the authors demonstrate the benefit of use of substance P to improve the quality of bone during mandibular distraction. Substance P is a neuropeptide that is distributed in those sensory nerve fibres that innervate the...

New recombinant human BMP for augmentation of the floor of the maxillary sinus

There has been a recent interest in the use of bone morphogenetic protein-7 (rhBMP-7) to augment the floor of the maxillary sinus. Loss of teeth in the posterior maxilla results in rapid horizontal and vertical reabsortion of alveolar bone because...

How I Do It - Treatment of pigmentation and melasma

Uneven tone and pigmentation disorders are frequent problems that motivate patients to seek help. The gold standard for treating the majority of these hyperpigmentation changes is the use of a picosecond laser, as the effect is predominantly photomechanical and photochemical,...

In Conversation with Dr Benjamin Ascher (2024)

We also interviewed Dr Benjamin Ascher in 2019 - click here to read the article. We were delighted to catch up with Dr Benjamin Ascher, an esteemed Plastic Surgeon from France, about his career and passion for education. Dr Benjamin...

Sushruta and Indian rhinoplasty

Vijay Pothula explains rhinoplasty’s roots in ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine, and how it was introduced to the Western world. In 1794 The Gentleman’s Magazine published a surgical operation which was long established in India but unknown in Europe [1]. A...