You searched for "plasma"

246 results found

How I Do It - Facial modification with Fotona Nd:YAG 1064nm laser

The organic combination of Fotona Nd:YAG 1064nm laser second-level ultra-long pulse width piano mode and cold air can increase the penetration depth of the laser while protecting the epidermis from damage. At the same time, the high tolerance of high...

The development of PDO threadlifting in the UK

Dr Jacques Otto looks at the development of polydioxanone (PDO) threads as an anti-ageing treatment, the creation of the Association of Polydioxanone Threads (APDOT) UK and what the future holds for threadlifting in the UK. Up to early 2014 the...

Skin dyspigmentation induced by triamcinolone injection treated with Nd:YAG picosecond laser in combination with polynucleotides

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a popular cosmetic procedure that involves the use of injectable fillers to improve the shape of the nose without surgery. There are many different materials available on the market such as hyaluronic acid, collagen stimulators, etc. Silicone...


CROMA-PHARMA®, a global leader in minimally-invasive aesthetic medicine, is excited to announce that its range of injectable polynucleotides “PhilArt” is rebranding to better reflect the products’ exceptional attributes and to position them for global market expansion. PolyPhil™ succeeds the well-established...

How I Do It - Neck rejuvenation with a multimodal approach: botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid stable hybrid cooperative complexes

Combination treatment with botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid is the standard regimen in facial rejuvenation. However, in rejuvenating the ageing neck a multimodal approach is essential because many factors contribute to the ageing of the neck. In particular there are...

Extracapsular dissection versus parotidectomy

This is a literature review of 16 papers using the PRISMA protocol. In comparing the two techniques, not surprisingly, they found that the extracapsular dissection had a reduced facial nerve paralysis, Frey syndrome and operation time but also a reduced...

Systematic review of PUC compared with textured silicone implants

Poly-urethane coated (PUC) implants have recently been back in the spotlight following the halt on Silimed implant use in Europe and this review is timely in assessing the perceived benefits of these prostheses. This review was adherent to the PRISMA...

50 Studies Every Plastic Surgeon Should Know

How do you decide the 50 most influential papers in plastic surgery? The breadth of subspecialties within plastic surgery makes this herculean task even harder. This book has attempted to collate each paper which has shaped and guided the practice...

Scar revision synopsis

The authors present a comprehensive synopsis of late scar revision and other soft tissue deformities. They make the reasonable point that maxillo-facial surgery and its management of soft tissue injuries to the face is closely linked to cosmetic surgery. After...

Effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin

A comprehensive paper concerning the dermal effects of sun exposure, including strategies which aesthetic nurses can adopt to guide patients in making evidence-based choices in selecting suitable sun protection. The key principles of ultraviolet radiation (UVR), including the immediate and...

Maximising treatment outcomes with skin peels

The author provides a comprehensive overview of skin peels as one of the main treatment options for the improvement of photodamage, hyperpigmentation and mild acne, whilst reinforcing that aesthetic practitioners have a responsibility to inform patients of all the available...

A dual approach to skin revitalisation: Reverse by Aerolase

Reverse by Aerolase is a groundbreaking treatment that brings new possibilities in skin rejuvenation and anti-aging therapies. Using advanced medical lasers, Reverse delivers a dual approach to...