You searched for "consultation"

903 results found

Chemical peels

Chemical peels are methods of skin resurfacing, and date back to ancient Egypt. Chemicals are applied and induce injury at specific depths in skin; the wound promotes collagen remodelling and improved surface appearance. There are three types: superficial, medium and...

Hair Loss and Restoration

Shapiro and Otbeg elegantly address the causes of hair loss, both idiopathic and pathological, and explain the treatments currently and the evidence behind them Our understanding of the pathophysiology of hair loss has evolved greatly in recent years. Before the...

Patient-Specific Hybrid Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty has changed considerably over the past one hundred years, not only in terms of the surgical techniques used, but also in the outcome desired by patients. There are now a large number of surgical techniques used which deal with...

Hydroquinone-induced hyperpigmentation: a case of exogenous ochronosis in a Hispanic patient

Achieving flawless skin as part of the desire to be perceived as ‘beautiful’ is a common sentiment shared by many cultures [1]. Of the many treatment options and products available on the market, the most common chemical agent to achieve...

In conversation with Dr Peter Shumaker

“The views expressed in this interview are those of the member and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Navy, Department of Defense, or the United States government.” Dr Peter Shumaker, Chairman of...

Risks of tracheostomy in head and neck cancer

Tracheostomy is an accepted surgical procedure that is one of the oldest ways of securing the airway. It is widely accepted to protect the airway after big cases of head and neck cancer and especially following free flap reconstruction. It...

The World Association of Plastic Surgeons of Chinese Descent

With the 4th World Association of Plastic Surgeons of Chinese Descent (WAPSCD) coming up in November I thought I would share my experiences with you. I attended the second world congress in Taiwan for plastic surgeons of chinese descent which...

Focus on: Cosmeceuticals (part 2)

To start the second part (see also Definitions, regulations and a review of the market and Skin anatomy and photoageing and Focus on: Cosmeceuticals (part 2) - continued) of this special focus on cosmeceuticals the authors will present some of...

Exploring skin anatomy, function and site-specific treatment options

A detailed paper exploring salient concepts of skin anatomy pertinent to aesthetic practitioners, performing non-surgical treatments. Components of the epidermis and dermis are comprehensively described, with emphasis placed on clinicians developing an in depth understanding of how the ageing process...

Treating individuals who identify as transgender

An interesting oversight of a specialised area of aesthetic medicine concerning hair removal for male-to-female transgender individuals. The author discusses the definition of ‘transgender’ with reference to The Gender Identity Research and Education Society, to guide aesthetic nurses to this...

Intensed pulsed light for skin rejuvenation

A detailed article exploring many aspects of IPL; the mode of action, the role in photorejuvenation, as well as a useful comparison as to how the scope of IPL compares to laser for similar purposes, with analogies as to how...

The pitfalls of having cosmetic procedures abroad

The author presents an interesting and thought-provoking case study, describing the risks of undergoing non-surgical procedures overseas. The account describes the journey of an individual who sought treatment with a dermal filler on the basis of a ‘weekend experience’ in...