You searched for "Rhinoplasty"

227 results found

Form versus function concerning the external nasal valve

External nasal valve dysfunction is known to be a common cause of nasal obstruction. The authors present a prospective case series (n=19) including primary and revision cases of functional rhinoplasties. All patients reported nasal obstruction and were diagnosed with external...

Revirgination is not the same as hymenoplasty

The operation called hymenoplasty is requested by women all over the world before marriage if they have engaged in premarital sex. They think that by undertaking the procedure of hymenoplasty they will regain their lost virginity, a theory that is...

Total nasal tip reconstruction with autologous auricular cartilage

This paper shows an original and effective procedure for total nasal tip framework reconstruction using autologous auricular cartilage. The authors explain how the seagull-wings technique, described some years ago by one of them (Fernando Pedroza) to treat severe nasal tip...

Female Cosmetic Genital Surgery: lifestyle or science?

The demand for female cosmetic genital surgery (FCGS) has increased over the last decade [1]. This rise is difficult to quantify, as the majority of these procedures are performed in the private sector. However, this trend is also obvious within...

Cosmetic Facial Surgery (Second Edition)

I do not know who Joe Niamatu I or Joe Niamtu II were and sadly I have never met Joe Niamtu III. I have, however, read his book from cover to cover and feel that I got to know his...

A retrospective comparison between standard septoplasty and extracorporeal septoplasty

This paper shows the results of a retrospective study made on 169 patients with nasal obstruction due to a deviated nasal septum who were operated using a standard septoplasty technique or performing an extracorporeal septoplasty. Postoperative nasal patency, aesthetic outcome,...

Lateral crura-alar ring

Lateral crura incision or excision are common procedures for most rhinoplasty surgeons despite the fact that they have potential complications such as nostril rim retraction, bossa tip formation and alar wall collapse during breathing. Fortunately, nowadays there is a trend...

Long-term complication after nasal dorsum augmentation

This is a case report describing a 54-year-old man who had had a rhinoplasty 10 years earlier and was unaware that he had had a porous polyethylene dorsal nasal implant inserted. He presented with a small pustule in the lower...