You searched for "Burns"

238 results found

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 9) – Informed consent (i)

It is one year ago today that Justice Judianna Barnes sentenced Dr Mak Wan-ling to be incarcerated for three and half years for a crime she did not commit (see parts 1-4 of this blog).

Life-transforming reconstructive surgery onboard floating hospital gives new hope to burn survivors in sub-Saharan Africa

Gamai from Guinea was a one-year-old when she suffered a horrific burn accident. With no access to medical care, her family were forced to watch as her skin contracted around her arms and hands, leaving her unable to perform basic...

Is the UK justice system colour blind?

The colour of justice is not blind in the UK. What I am going to say in this blog may not be popular but I am very troubled by certain facts that are being conveniently ignored. Before I knew the...

The value of bariatric specific chart to initiate resuscitation

This is an interesting well written retrospective analysis of resuscitation in bariatric patients, but the study has two significant flaws. The first flaw is that parklands formula, with estimate from lund browder charts, is a guide and a best estimate...

Management of keloid and hypertrophic scars

The management of keloid and hypertrophic scars is commonplace in all burns and plastic surgery outpatient clinics, and in this paper the authors review many of the current treatments available for this difficult problem. They start with an introduction about...

A history of the Asia Pacific Burn Association

To accompany his Newsround report on the 12th APBC meeting in the October/November issue, Editor Andrew Burd shares the story of how the APBA was set up.

A Eulogy for James Partridge

James Partridge died on 16 August 2020. He was a truly remarkable person and I would like to share my sadness at his passing and why I held him in such high personal esteem. We started life just a few...

Acid Survivors Trust International

The shocking acid attack on two British nationals in Zanzibar in August 2013 drew attention to a little known and under-reported form of interpersonal violence. Acid attack is a particularly vicious form of a premeditated assault, where acid is thrown,...

Selection of full thickness skin graft donor site influences extent of contraction

Full thickness skin grafts (FTSG) remain a standard reconstructive option in burns surgery, resulting in lesser secondary contracture and improved cosmesis compared to split skin grafts. Although the recipient site is known to influence contraction, the role of the donor...

Perceptions and deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 4 July 2016

I would like to take this opportunity to share a blog with Chris Day and the other junior doctors to talk about ‘whistle blowing’ and what it means. Typically, it refers to people who “speak out of turn”, “wash the...

In recognition of WS Ho

In memory of Wilson Ho Wai-sun, who sadly passed away in January 2024.

A Timeline of Plastic Surgery

Where did the name ‘plastic’ surgery come from? It is probable that the first use of the term was by the German von Graefe in his book Rhinoplastik published in 1818. The intention was to describe the moulding of tissue...