You searched for "surgeon"

1017 results found

Sleep side preference affecting lid laxity in normal subjects

This is an interesting, masked, prospective study examining the hypothesis that increased upper eyelid laxity in normal patients may be related to the side on which they usually sleep. Two hundred and sixty-two normal subjects, over 55 years old, had...

Hey look! Smaller arms and no scars...

The author of this chapter presents his experience of arm reduction leaving a scar in the axilla only; minimal incision brachioplasty (MIB). The technique is a modification of the Pollack technique to treat axillary hydradenitis. It is suitable for patients...

Nasal osteotomies

The authors performed a prospective cadaveric study (N=20). They evaluated different fracture patterns in order to define the necessity for performing paramedian or transversal osteotomies. To do so, the cadavers were divided into two groups. Ten had a paramedian osteotomy...

Endoscopic brow lift in the course of time

The authors present a systematic review on the advantages and disadvantages of various brow-lifting techniques. They present their decision algorithm for closed versus opened approach, including potential complications and their management in general. After a detailed description of the endoscopic...

OCT imaging of occluded puncta

This is a description of the use of enhanced depth optical coherence tomography (OCT) to see whether a patent ampulla or canaliculus is detectable in patients with absent or occluded puncta. Nine occluded puncta of six patients with epiphora were...

PD-1 and PD-L1 in exenteration specimens

This is an immunohistochemical study looking at variation in the expression of the programmed death-1 receptor (PD-1) and the programmed cell death ligand-1 (PD-L1), comparing cutaneous malignancies which invaded the orbit with uncomplicated nodular basal cell carcinomas. The authors retrospectively...

Orbital filler for enophthalmos in Parry-Romberg syndrome

This is a retrospective review of three patients with enophthalmos in sighted eyes secondary to Parry-Romberg syndrome. The patients were all female, aged between 24 and 54. All three patients had 4mm of relative enophthalmos prior to treatment. They each...

Core or fine needle assessment in lymphadenopathy and salivary gland tumours

This paper from the Republic of Korea analyses 278 patients retrospectively, 112 of which underwent fine need aspiration and 166 core needle biopsies. Eleven patients had indeterminate fine needle aspiration cytology, six of whom had an additional core biopsy. The...

Do bicycle helmets prevent facial injuries

This is an analysis from Germany where they reviewed over 7000 bicycle accidents over a 16-year period that met their inclusion criteria. Over 1000 had a facial injury (bone or soft tissue) with helmets being worn in 11.8% of accidents....

Less extrusion of StopLoss Jones Tubes

This is a retrospective comparison of the survival of StopLoss Jones tubes with conventional Lester Jones tubes. Between 2014 and 2016, 31 StopLoss and 59 Lester-Jones tubes were inserted. The authors compared the extrusion and sinking-in rates between the StopLoss...

Non-surgical neck rejuvenation – how effective can it get?

BY DR. PATCHANON ASAWAWORARIT The aging neck undergoes several complex changes as a part of the aging process. These multifaceted changes include physiological adjustments at skin, fat, muscle, and bone levels. Aging causes thinning of the skin, a decrease in...

One-point tear trough correction

The authors provide an expert guide to the use of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers to rejuvenate the periorbital area. One of the early signs of periorbital ageing are dark circles around the eye, with patients complaining of a fatigued appearance....