You searched for "Surgical"

686 results found

A Timeline of Plastic Surgery

Where did the name ‘plastic’ surgery come from? It is probable that the first use of the term was by the German von Graefe in his book Rhinoplastik published in 1818. The intention was to describe the moulding of tissue...

Serving face

(Note: Serving face / giving face is a term used commonly by drag performers. It refers to the face you make as you pose for a photograph.) Dr Vincent Wong showcases the art and science of transforming drag queens into...

The REAL Clinic: the sustainable building and running of a new clinic

Naveen Cavale is CEO and Consultant Plastic Surgeon at the REAL Clinic, a small clinic near the Battersea Power Station, South London. He has offered The PMFA Journal his insights into the setting up, and running, of a new hospital....

Auricular Reconstruction

In 2013 I sat in a little cafe in Nice with a small band of ear surgeons. We were there to put finishing touches to our plans to form the International Society for Auricular Reconstruction (ISAR). One in our midst...

Perforator Flaps for Breast Reconstruction

This book has been authored by a number of recognised authorities in the world of perforator based flaps for breast reconstruction. It is a thoughtful and well set out book that looks at the requirements for providing this type of...

The role of thrombolytics in acute and chronic occlusion of the hand

In keeping with much of this edition of the Hand Clinics journal, this article accurately and appropriately sets out the background, epidemiology and current approach to management of acute and chronic upper limb ischaemia. The background sections ease the reader...

Nanotechnology and regenerative therapeutics in plastic surgery

This review is focussed on how novel nanotech therapeutics can apply to modern plastic surgery. The review does not pose a specific question and, therefore, does not base the review on a particular hypothesis to whether nanotech carries an evidence...

How our media partners have responded to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed every aspect of our life. As we move forward at this unprecedented time The PMFA Journal is here to help everyone in the fields of plastic & maxillofacial surgery and aesthetic medicine. We have a...

The role of angiogenesis in wound healing, scarring and tissue regeneration

In the UK alone there are 175,000 people who visit Accident & Emergency departments with burns each year. This results in around 13,000 hospital admissions, of which 1000 are due to severe burns [1]. Over half of these admissions are...

Improving cosmesis after breast implant removal

Removing breast implants has a profound effect on the patient’s appearance; in this article the authors, both expert breast surgeons, discuss how to optimise the cosmetic result. Removing breast implants has a profound effect on the patient’s appearance and we...

Letter from Hong Kong (6 January 2022)

So now we are entering the third year of this global pandemic. It is changing, evolving and is bringing out the very best and the very worst in humanity. Science and scientists have had a real bashing, but then who by? Quacks, aardvarks and gobbeldygooks. Looking back is looking forward.

Perceptions and deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 21 July 2016

It must be bloggers block! The information incoming is just too great to handle. I have cross-posted about this blog in an editorial I have just written for our magazine. I am revisiting the inquest of a girl that died...