You searched for "surgeon"

1017 results found

Principles & Practice of Pediatric Plastic Surgery

The evolution of knowledge and practice within paediatric plastic surgery has undergone much advancement over recent years. This textbook beautifully takes the reader through not only these more recent advances and techniques but also explains the fundamental principles underlying key...

An overview of microsurgical reconstruction of the head and neck worldwide

Microsurgical reconstruction is an integral part of the treatment following ablation for malignancy or trauma. Currently there are no clear treatment guidelines following tumour resection. This was recognised a few years ago and in 2008 various collaborative groups were founded...

Long-term follow-up of maxillary advancement in cleft palate cases

Twenty-two consecutive patients with cleft lip and palate, treated with maxillary advancements and distraction osteogenesis, were followed up for between five and 13 years. They were divided into two groups, those who were still growing and those whose growth was...

Management of keloid and hypertrophic scars

The management of keloid and hypertrophic scars is commonplace in all burns and plastic surgery outpatient clinics, and in this paper the authors review many of the current treatments available for this difficult problem. They start with an introduction about...

Evaluation of lateral crural steal

Many techniques to increase nasal tip projection and rotation have been described. The lateral crural steal (LCS) technique appears to be suitable for patients who have an under-rotation associated with poor projection of the nasal tip. The objective of the...

Factors affecting the success of canalicular repairs

This is a 10-year retrospective review of 137 canalicular laceration repairs, looking for factors which affected the outcome. A successful outcome was defined as no epiphora at three months or more after removal of the stent. Overall the success rate...

­Distal edge necrosis in cervicofacial rotation-advancement flaps

Mohs facial reconstructive surgery can be a difficult process for a patient to undergo. The goal of facial reconstruction is to restore contour, function and aesthetics while minimising morbidity. The authors conducted a review of 88 patients who underwent cervicofacial...

Prophylactic postoperative antibiotics for enucleation or evisceration

The authors report on a retrospective, multicentre, comparative case series looking at prophylactic antibiotics and the incidence of orbital cellulitis following enucleation or evisceration. Of the 644 cases included in the analysis, all received a single perioperative intravenous dose of...

Fat grafting within the focus of facial ageing

Volume restoration has become a cornerstone in the current model of understanding and approaching the aging face. Sam Lam offers a review in order to place fat grafting in its proper place, with all of its attendant risks, benefits and...

Soft tissue changes following maxillary osteotomy, comparison of three computer programmes

This small group of seven patients had a Le Fort I advancement maxillary osteotomy with vertical repositioning and alar base cinch sutures. They were assessed with cone beam CTs three months preoperatively and one year postoperatively. A clinical comparison between...

Marcus-Gunn jaw winking without ptosis

This is a review of 72 cases of Marcus-Gunn jaw winking syndrome. The authors reviewed all their congenital ptoses seen over a 16-year period and found 72 Marcus-Gunn cases out of a total of 848 patients. Within the 72 they...

Skin grafts vs local flaps in reconstruction of nasal defects

Nasal defects commonly are a result of removal of skin lesions. Cosmetic outcomes of local flap reconstructions are commonly accepted to be superior in comparison to skin grafts. However, local flap reconstructions require more adjunctive procedures than single-stage operations based...