You searched for "regeneration"

850 results found

Essentials of Aesthetic Surgery

Such a well written book, this is an absolute must for your reference collection. The demand for aesthetic surgery is rapidly growing and this book is a concise haven of knowledge not only for those training in plastics but also...

Transgender breast surgery

Most plastic surgeons working outside specialist centres for gender affirmation surgery will have a number of patients within their population wishing to undergo their breast surgery more locally. Surgery for this small minority is informed largely by experience in the...

Management of post traumatic pseudo-telecanthus

Injuries to the nasal and peri-nasal region are common. Indeed the nasal bones are reported to be the most commonly fractured facial bone. While nasal trauma and deformity are commonly recognised and treated, injuries to adjacent structures are easily missed...

Management of the thick skinned nose

The authors briefly present a surgical pearl that helps addressing the overly thick nasal skin envelope in cosmetic rhinoplasty. In order to optimise cosmetic results in thick-skinned noses, contour enhancement is best achieved by elongating and projecting the skeletal framework...

In conversation with Prof Ashraf Badawi

We were delighted to speak with Professor Ashraf Badawi about his distinguished career in dermatology. You are internationally recognised in the field of dermatology – can you tell us a little bit about your background? I come from a scientific...

In conversation with Dr Hugues Cartier

We were delighted to chat to Dr Hugues Cartier, Dermatologist and IMCAS Global Course Co-ordinator. Can you tell us a bit about your background and what led to you becoming a dermatologist? The question could simply be summed up as...

How I Do It - Lip augmentation: new rejuvenation with Er:YAG and Nd:YAG laser

Lip augmentation has become progressively popular in recent years, reflecting cultural trends in youth and beauty. Research suggests that the ‘ideal lip’ should have the following characteristics: fullness and volume, correct balance between the upper and lower lips, and a...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (Part 19) - The judge fails...

The Judge continues in her ‘Reasons for Sentencing’ and refers to the expert opinion of Dr Jimmy Chan. I have already indicated the lack of veracity when it comes to matters of fact with Dr Chan. Now we an opportunity to consider the validity of his opinion.

New IPL technology as treatment for melasma

Background Melasma is an acquired refractory pigmented skin disease. It is a complex multifactorial disorder and its pathogenesis has not yet been fully elucidated. Risk factors include genetic predisposition, sun exposure, stress, medications, and pregnancy. Melasma is divided into three...

Treatment of rosacea using pulsed dye laser

Rosacea is a common chronic cutaneous inflammatory condition estimated to affect 415 million people worldwide [1]. It characteristically affects the central face and its primary features include flushing, non-transient erythema, telangiectasia and in progressive stages papules and pustules. Secondarily, it...

Handy Solutions

Very few people, if any, enjoy the ravages associated with the ageing process. Apoptosis (programmed cell death) occurs throughout life, but for some unknown reason (possibly associated with epigenetics) cellular replacement and therefore matrix volume decreases. The result is that...

Periocular burns: a literature review of classification, management protocols and outcomes of treatment

The author provides a review of the current literature regarding the principles of classification, management protocols of acute ocular and periocular burns and the role of the burn and oculoplastic surgeon involved in their care. More than two-thirds of facial...