You searched for "Surgical"

686 results found

Immediate versus delayed post mastectomy breast reconstruction

The authors review and analyse the current literature comparing the psychosocial outcomes of immediate versus delayed post mastectomy breast reconstruction. Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in women and has a lifetime incidence of one in nine. Mastectomy may...

Stratifying preoperative risk in revision augmentation: the six Cs

Breast augmentation is the most frequently performed cosmetic surgical procedure in the UK [1], and with an increasing number of providers, plastic surgeons are managing revisions without information pertaining to the original procedure. Anticipating the features of successive generations of...

We need to talk about amputation – a difficult conversation in the developing world

What do you do when a patient refuses amputation? The author shares various cases and outlines her team’s approach to this scenario in Gaza. What to do when a patient refuses amputation for a severely damaged lower limb that will...

The role of skin camouflage and micropigmentation in the fields of burns and plastic surgery

Many patients who survive major burns, suffer a traumatic injury or undergo reconstructive surgery following cancer are left with both physical but also psychological sequelae. Sometimes early psychological difficulties improve with the passage of time with support from friends and...

Soft tissue augmentation – a review

The author explains how treating the face as a 3D structure is key to a good result with invasive or non-invasive procedures. History Rejuvenation of the face and trying to reverse the effects of ageing dates back centuries. Facial volume...

From female genital mutilation to female genital reconstruction

The demand for reconstruction of mutilated female genitalia is increasing in Europe due to the empowerment of immigrant and naturalised women from Africa. Their wish for reconstruction is more than a matter of surgery, as these women still have to...

Mercy Mission: all aboard with Mercy Ships off the coast of West Africa

Countries along the coast of West Africa are amongst the poorest in the world. Extreme levels of poverty often lead to poor outcomes or fatalities in many medical conditions that would be eminently treatable, with good outcomes in more developed...

Botulinum toxin and dermal filler treatment for facial deformity: an analysis of patient satisfaction

Dermal fillers and botulinum toxin are being increasingly used to treat facial deformities but are patients satisfied with the results? Facial deformity can result in low confidence and self-esteem amongst patients due to cosmetic and functional difficulties [1]. There is...

Cryolipolysis: a review of published clinical data

Definition: Cryolipolysis is derived from the greek language, describing ‘cold’ and ‘fat breakdown’. History The actual phenomenon of cold induced adipocyte necrosis was originally described by Epstein et al. in 1970 who had reported the presence of a “red indurated...

Mid-facial augmentation with malar implants

The authors guide us through facial augmentation using implants to restore volume and a youthful appearance. In today’s ‘selfie-obsessed’ culture, there is no other anatomical region which carries greater social prestige and importance, than a well-proportioned ‘youthful’ face. In particular,...

Letter from Hong Kong (1 April 2020)

By Professor Andrew Burd 1 April 2020. It is past midday so this is real. Just under three weeks ago, 9 March, I was invited to write a guest editorial for the Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery. I described the...


Although the lesion known as Xanthelasma was first described by Addison and Gall in 1851 [1] it was recorded some 300 years previously in the famous painting of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. In this painting, Leonardo da...