You searched for "dissection"

935 results found

Ointment related granulomas post-blepharoplasty

This is a retrospective review of eight patients who developed granulomatous masses after lower lid blepharoplasty. All patients had sutureless bilateral trans-conjunctival surgery, and lubricating ointment was instilled into the inferior fornix postoperatively for two days. Painless lower lid masses...

Management of keloid and hypertrophic scars

The management of keloid and hypertrophic scars is commonplace in all burns and plastic surgery outpatient clinics, and in this paper the authors review many of the current treatments available for this difficult problem. They start with an introduction about...

Medical Aesthetic Injectable Summit (MAIS)

The Medical Aesthetic Injectable Summit (MAIS)From Thinkin by Dr. Benjamin Ascher Welcome to the inaugural Injectable Summit 2024 (MAIS 2024), a gathering that’s never happened in our profession before! This summit is dedicated to all leaders in the medical aesthetic...

The role of expert witnesses in miscarriages of justice

‘Expert’ witnesses sometimes make mistakes. Great weight is often placed on expert evidence. The more esoteric the area of expertise, the greater the possibility of error. It follows that expert evidence sometimes leads to miscarriages of justice. Plastic surgery is...

Raising the bar for safer cosmetic surgery in the UK – part 1

In part one of a two-series article Professor James Frame, from the Anglia Ruskin University, gives us his opinion on what needs to be done to improve cosmetic surgery and patient safety in the UK. Cosmetic surgery is most easily...

Focus on Cosmeceuticals: Skin anatomy and photoageing

Skin anatomy The skin of the face provides crucial functions of temperature regulation, reparative functions following injury, facial expression, protective mechanisms against infection and ultraviolet radiation, as well as sensory perception. The integument consists of two principle layers, the epidermis...

The day to day running of an aesthetics clinic

With the booming aesthetics industry expected to continue growing at the rate of 10% per year, the move into setting up and running your own aesthetics clinic may seem increasingly tempting. PMFA News’ very own Victoria Smith takes you through...

Chronic telogen effluvium reversal using E. coli-derived cytokines and growth factors: a case report

Chronic telogen effluvium (CTE) is a condition where there is prolonged increased hair shedding, primarily affecting middle-aged women. Its exact cause is often unknown. In CTE, many hair follicles enter the resting phase prematurely due to various reasons, leading to...

Use of spacers for mandibular defects after resection of mandible preceding definitive osseous reconstruction

The authors propose the use of rigid polyethylene and silicon spacers in mandibular defects as an interim measure before definitive osseous reconstruction after mandibular resections for locally aggressive benign disease. The authors point out that the current intermediate reconstruction systems...

High Definition Body Sculpting: Art And Advanced Lipoplasty Techniques

This book is a result of a professional life devoted to achieving the muscular, athletic or attractive forms that are currently in demand. There are over 250 pages of high quality text, photographs and illustrations. It is conveniently divided into...

In conversation with Dr Yannis Alexandrides

We were delighted to chat to Dr Yannis Alexandrides, the American and British board certified Plastic Surgeon, specialising in facial reconstructive surgery. You are internationally renowned in the field of plastic surgery – what made you choose this as a...

How I Do It - Contouring the lower jaw (non-surgical)

It is important to invest time in analysing the lower aspect of the face whilst in discussion with the patient to establish a mutual agreement as to the level of desired correction along with the choice of product. I find...