You searched for "aesthetic"

839 results found

Marllor Biomedical to launch Alidya, the first injectable to treat cellulite

Marllor Biomedical, the Italian manufacturer of Aqualyx, will host a big event in London next month to officially launch Alidya, the first injectable specifically developed to treat cellulite.

The Dallas Rhinoplasty and Dallas Cosmetic Surgery Dissection Guide

Although this is the book review section, the first thing to note is that the book isn’t the main event here. This publication is a video and photograph dissection guide, produced from the world-renowned Dallas Rhinoplasty and Cosmetic Surgery Course....

Professor Firas Al-Niaimi, hosted a 2-day advanced clinical training course

Professor Firas Al-Niaimi, an esteemed figure in laser and clinical dermatology, hosted an intensive two-day advanced clinical training in the captivating city of Riga, Latvia.


The most adaptable platform on the market is the V-SERIES line of devices. This cutting-edge Multi-Technology platform, created to address a variety of skin issues in daily practice, combines...

Blindness after orthognathic surgery

This is a case report and review of the literature of this rare, but well recognised alarming complication. The authors discuss the possible mechanisms, suggesting that it does not arise from a direct injury to the optic nerve and is...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 18) - The judge fails at maths

I was troubled by the Judge's response and wondered what a mathematician would have thought of it. So, the following emails ensued:

Training in Facial Plastic Surgery in the UK

Following the Keogh report earlier this year into the quality of cosmetic surgery in the UK, surgical training into cosmetic surgery is high on the agenda. A Cosmetic Surgery Interspecialty Committee at the Royal College of Surgeons will be discussing...

In conversation with Dr Michael Gold (2019)

We were delighted to chat to Dr Michael Gold, President of the 5CC Congress in Barcelona, about his renowned career in dermatology. You are internationally recognised in the field of dermatology – can you tell us a little bit about...

Medico-legal Forum (Laser/Polydioxanone)

The PMFA Journal and Hamilton Fraser Cosmetic Insurance have teamed up to provide a series of articles that will give examples of claims that occur from different procedures. Conclusion to the previous case Last issue’s Medico-Legal Forum discussed a case...

Cosmetic Facial Surgery (Second Edition)

I do not know who Joe Niamatu I or Joe Niamtu II were and sadly I have never met Joe Niamtu III. I have, however, read his book from cover to cover and feel that I got to know his...

The future and a summary of the past

From liposuction to adipose stem cells; from regenerative medicine to tissue engineering; and a vision of the future. Part 3 Adipose stem cells There is a major clinical need for strategies that adequately reconstruct the soft tissue defects after deep...