You searched for "lasers"

755 results found

Letter from Hong Kong (1 April 2020)

By Professor Andrew Burd 1 April 2020. It is past midday so this is real. Just under three weeks ago, 9 March, I was invited to write a guest editorial for the Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery. I described the...

How I Do It - Adipocytolysis

Why is there an interest in adipocytolysis? Sub-mental hypertrophic adiposity and jowling of the lower face are frequently the result of ageing and weight gain but there is also a genetic component [1]. Scientific background on injectable adipocytolysis products Several...

How I Do It - Primary rejuvenation upper blepharoplasty – tips from an oculoplastic surgeon

Preoperative For me the preoperative stage is actually the most important part in the patient’s journey and can take much longer than the actual operation itself. It takes me about 45-60 minutes to assess, counsel and consent for a primary...

Factors influencing a career choice in plastic surgery as a UK medical student

The medical school curriculum is increasingly focusing on the role of a general practitioner, which has resulted in medical students having reduced exposure to surgical specialties. There has been a longstanding concern that plastic surgery teaching and exposure in the...

Lymphoedema surgical treatment: myths and facts

Lymphoedema is a common condition that has a major impact on quality of life. Surgical treatment can help affected patients and produce good results, but there is no consensus on which surgical procedure is the most effective. The authors review...

Microtia and Atresia – Combined Approach by Plastic and Otologic Surgery

In this textbook Kaga and Asato, both leading experts in otology and plastic surgery respectively, present over 10 years of their experience in joint reconstructive surgery for microtia and auricular atresia, combining autologous auricular reconstruction with external auricular canaloplasty and...

Introducing ReSurge Africa

I have just stepped down from the chairmanship of the charity ReSurge Africa. First of all a bit of background... This charity was founded in 1992 by JC Mustarde, a well known ophthalmic plastic surgeon, working at Canniesburn Plastic Surgery...

Aesthetics and Functionality in Ear Reconstruction

Recent years have brought important refinements to the approach and techniques of functional and aesthetic ear reconstruction. Aesthetics and Functionality in Ear Reconstruction by R Staudenmaier is an excellent book providing concise but detailed overview on the state of the...

Risks of tracheostomy in head and neck cancer

Tracheostomy is an accepted surgical procedure that is one of the oldest ways of securing the airway. It is widely accepted to protect the airway after big cases of head and neck cancer and especially following free flap reconstruction. It...

The lateral neck cystic mass – diagnostic dilemma

Solitary cystic masses in the lateral neck can present a significant diagnostic dilemma. These cystic masses often develop in young adults distinguishing a branchial cleft cyst from a cystic lymph node with imaging and even high-quality fine needle aspiration cytology...

Surgical management of subungal melanoma

The authors present the findings of a retrospective, single-institution review of all patients with biopsy confirmed subungal melanomas over a period of 96 years in Mayo Clinic. Parameters examined were general demographics, level of digit amputation, disease recurrence, overall survival,...

UK allergy crisis: deploy the ‘LIMED’ mnemonic

In response to the revelation that allergies now cost the NHS approximately £900 million pounds per year, Professor Frame and colleagues in Chelmsford explain why the mnemonic ‘LIED’ needs to be updated.