You searched for "surgeon"

1017 results found

The use of platelet-rich plasma in skin flap grafts

This study was conducted to evaluate the ability of platelet rich plasma (PRP) to stimulate angiogenesis following skin flaps graft surgery, and its effect on flap survival rate. The use of PRP to improve the quality of bone regeneration and...

Systematic review of PUC compared with textured silicone implants

Poly-urethane coated (PUC) implants have recently been back in the spotlight following the halt on Silimed implant use in Europe and this review is timely in assessing the perceived benefits of these prostheses. This review was adherent to the PRISMA...

Guidelines for the management of craniosynostosis

A Dutch national working group developed this guideline with representatives from the societies representing 11 different specialties and the Dutch national patients’ society. Medical, social and psychological aspects of care for both syndromic and non-syndromic craniosynostosis are included, for both...

Success rates of primary and revision transcanalicular DCR surgery

Transcanalicular laser dacro cysto rhinostomy (DCR) is a relatively rare procedure compared to more conventional external or endonasal techniques. In this article the authors examine the outcomes of revision surgery following failed transcanalicular diode laser DCR (TCDL DCR), comparing a...

Oncological and functional outcomes of transoral robotic surgery for oropharyngeal cancer

Due to the fact that conventional surgery is technically demanding and involves significant morbidity, transoral procedures are becoming increasingly popular. In this prospective study the authors analysed the oncological and functional results of transoral robotic surgery (TORS) to find out...

Measures against female hair loss

The author presents a detailed, well-structured review about female hair transplant surgery. Female hair pattern loss usually differs from male hair pattern loss, resulting in regions of the scalp where hair density falls without complete alopecia. Surgery for female patients...

Surgery for class III malocclusions pharyngeal airway and sleep apnoea effects

Thirty-three patients from Brazil were assessed for obstructive sleep apnoea and hypopnoea syndrome pre- and six months postoperatively. The 33 patients were made up of nine having mandibular set back surgery, six maxillary advancement and 18 bi-maxillary surgery. They identified...

Acute dacryocystic retention

This is a retrospective study of patients with acute dacryocystic retention (ADR). The condition is distinct from infectious dacryocystitis, and is chararcterised by an acute onset of pain and epiphora associated with a tender but not inflamed lacrimal sac thought...

Maxillomandibular advancement for sleep apnoea

This is a meta-analysis compiled from India. Of the initial 103 publications 20 were analysed. Surgical cure was defined as postsurgical AHI of fewer than five events per hour. Of the 251 patients assessed for AHI, 12 where considered normal,...

UK allergy crisis: deploy the ‘LIMED’ mnemonic

In response to the revelation that allergies now cost the NHS approximately £900 million pounds per year, Professor Frame and colleagues in Chelmsford explain why the mnemonic ‘LIED’ needs to be updated.

Transnasal endoscopic choanal atresia surgery

Surgery is currently the only definitive treatment for congenital choanal atresia (CCA). There are various surgical approaches including transnasal, transeptal or transpalatal. The authors propose that the preferred option is transnasal endoscopic choanal atresia surgery (TECAS) and set out to...