You searched for "Wounds"

797 results found

Botulinum Toxins in Clinical Aesthetic Practice, Third Edition – NEW REVIEW

The third and latest edition of Anthony Benedetto’s Botulinum Toxins in Clinical Aesthetic Practice is an impressive collaboration of experts in dermatology, neurology, otorhinolaryngology and anatomy, amalgamating years of clinical experience to produce an immensely detailed textbook. Volume 1 describes...

Calcium Hydroxylapatite Soft Tissue Fillers: Expert Treatment Techniques

Having used calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) for over 20 years it was a great pleasure to see a book bringing together contributors who represent an A-Y(!) of international users to present uses of this injectable implant in all areas of the...

Non-hormonal treatment options during the menopause

The author gives a comprehensive overview of prescribed treatment alternatives to hormone replacement therapy (HRT), discussing lifestyle, diet, alternative therapies, patient support and nurse education. The author argues that treatments for the symptoms of menopause are complex and that nurse...

Utility and outcomes of hydroxocobalamin use in smoke inhalation patients

The authors propose to investigate the usefulness of the routine administration of hydroxocobalamin in burns patients who are suspected to have an inhalational component to their injury. Mention is made of the important fact that no previous published literature has...

Surgical exposures of the hand

This paper by Watt and Chung gives the reader an overview of hand anatomy, comments upon the aesthetics of hand surgery and summarizes some surgical approaches to the hand. The introduction presents a concise overview of the relevant anatomy of...

The role of thrombolytics in acute and chronic occlusion of the hand

In keeping with much of this edition of the Hand Clinics journal, this article accurately and appropriately sets out the background, epidemiology and current approach to management of acute and chronic upper limb ischaemia. The background sections ease the reader...

Patient-related outcomes in rhinoplasty surgery

This paper centres on defining and providing a patient-related outcome tool in rhinoplasty surgery. There are currently no validated tools specifically for cosmetic alteration of the nose alone. The authors devised specific scales within the FACE-Q framework to specifically assess...

Coupler microvascular anastomoses: how good?

This is a paper written by a group of reconstructive surgeons and school of computing. This study used computational fluid dynamics to model blood flow through ‘idealised sutured and coupled’ vessels. They investigate if the anastomotic technique affects intra vascular...

A comparison between the American European Consensus Group and the American College of Rheumatology classification criteria for Sjogren's syndrome

This article highlights the challenges in diagnosing Sjogren's syndrome. As is pointed out in the introduction, there is no one gold standard for diagnosis and since 1965, there have been 11 sets of classification criteria for Sjogren's syndrome. The authors...

An elegant extension to the facelift, resulting in good neck correction

The author discusses his experience in over 200 cases of an overlapping plication platysmaplasty technique via the facelift incision, thus avoiding a submental incision. A logical argument is made to the benefit of the procedure, providing more extensive retraction in...

Beta blockers in the treatment of infantile haemangiomas

Following the work of Léauté-Labrèze et al. in 2008, describing the successful use of beta blockers in the treatment of infantile haemangiomas, the medical treatment of these troublesome malformations has almost completely replaced surgical treatment, which has been relegated to...

Choosing anaesthesia for oral surgery

This article offers guidance in choosing the most appropriate modality of anaesthesia for oral surgery and the setting in which it is delivered. It attempts to classify the different types of anaesthesia into local anaesthesia, sedation, which it further sub...