You searched for "tissue"

631 results found

OPINION - Influencers affect us all: but are they as good as we think?

Recently I was approached by the son of a 75-year-old lady for a second opinion on a large fungating malignant melanoma on the outer lateral aspect of her left thigh. She had noticed an enlarging 50p size pigmented lesion just...

The importance of continuing professional development in rhinoplasty

The PMFA Journal team invited two world-renowned rhinoplasty surgeons to reflect on the importance of life-long learning in their chosen specialty. The vital role of continuous surgical training in rhinoplasty By Pietro Palma Rhinoplasty can be a most rewarding operation...

Durjoy – the Hong Kong story

I am appending this account to the previous article in order to illustrate how complex the reconstruction can be after an acid assault. Durjoy had acid poured into his mouth by his paternal aunt. It was a matter of inheritance....

In conversation with Dr Hema Sundaram

We were delighted to chat to world-renowned Dr Hema Sundaram about her fascinating career in dermatology and how plans for SEASON 2020 are going. You are internationally recognised in the fields of dermatology and plastic surgery – can you tell...

How I Do It - NSR with dermal fillers

Year on year non-surgical rhinoplasty (NSR) has become increasingly popular and after first learning the technique with a needle, I was taught the cannula technique. Currently, I practise both techniques regularly and often use threads on bulky noses. Indications The...

How I Do It - Postoperative care following aesthetic breast surgery – treatment of capsular contracture with Celluma low level light therapy

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures performed in the world. Capsular contracture is a common complication and major contributor to dissatisfaction. It is thought to be due to a chronic inflammatory process in the implant...

How I Do It - Aesthetic reconstruction of the nasal radix-rhinion complex

The radix-rhinion complex forms one of the most important pillars of nasal aesthetics. Due to its complex anatomical nature and distance from the point of access, this region can be commonly involved in suboptimal results. Tailor-made operative planning Most of...

How I Do It - Performing a mastopexy or reduction using Breform™ mesh

Gravity defying breast surgery – the Holy Grail for breast surgeons. Repeat ptosis and pseudoptosis are significant problems facing patients and surgeons after breast reduction and mastopexy. Further surgery to correct this can be challenging, with increased complications, and the...

BCAM Annual Clinical Review 2021

The British College of Aesthetic Medicine (BCAM) is the only UK body representing aesthetic doctors and dentists that conducts an annual survey of its members’ clinical data, collating information about treatments, complications and trends. The Annual Clinical Review has been...

The gender affirmation surgery MDT

The authors provide a comprehensive and thought-provoking discussion of the multidisciplinary nature of caring for someone undergoing gender reassignment surgery. In the last 50 years in the UK an estimated 130,000 people have changed their gender assigned at birth (assigned...

COVID-19: How the plastic surgery specialty is responding

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” So, what happens when there is no work? We present viewpoints from various plastic surgeons faced with the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. The members of the Cosmetic Surgery Forum...

Body dysmorphia disorder in the cosmetic clinic: a novel encrypted screening approach

In the following article and case study, the condition of body dysmorphia disorder (BDD) is examined in the context of its pathogenesis and the role of the cosmetic practitioner. BDD is a problem that affects patients on a deeply personal...