You searched for "surgeon"

1017 results found

Orthognathic surgery for OSAS

Orthognathic surgery is developing as a viable and long-lasting treatment option for obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS). There have been a growing number of publications that report the benefit of using conventional orthognathic techniques for OSAS. In the present retrospective...

Delayed improvement in Muller’s muscle ptosis surgery

This is a retrospective review of patients undergoing ptosis surgery. The authors had noticed anecdotally that although a posterior approach Muller’s muscle and conjunctival resection (MMCR) appeared to achieve similar results to an anterior approach levator resection (ALR) in the...

How developments in maxillofacial surgery have contributed to improved quality of life for patients

The patient perspective, functional outcomes and morbidity are key factors that influence ‘quality of life’ [1,2]. There are many examples of how developments in oral and maxillofacial surgery have improved the outcome and ‘quality of life’ for patients with head,...

A novel integrated practice unit (IPU) approach to periocular skin cancer management

The COVID-19 pandemic was one of the biggest challenges to face NHS workers. However, history has repeatedly shown that times of difficulty can result in the development of significant social and technological advances. We describe our own experience of this...

Auricular reconstruction: star-pattern reconstruction

We describe our approach to straightforward reconstruction of the peripheral auricle using the established star-pattern design. Skin malignancies developing on the auricle continue to be regarded as high-risk lesions due to their propensity to recur and for lymphatic spread. Greater...

Focus on: Cosmeceuticals (part 2 - continued)

The previous sections in this special focus (see Cosmeceuticals (part 2) and Skin anatomy and photoageing and Definitions, regulations and a review of the market) have covered skin anatomy, photoageing and cosmeceutical ingredients in detail. In this section I will...

Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: A Comprehensive Study Guide

This book was conceived as a simple study guide / aide memoire for those sitting the American board exams in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery and indeed was largely written by residents approaching these exams, on the premise that they...

Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Clinical Reference Guide

Plastic surgery and otolarynology are an example of two surgical specialties which intersect, allowing for clinical and research collaboration. Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Clinical Reference Guide gives reference to a number of different principles which have been combined in...

Nanotechnology and regenerative therapeutics in plastic surgery

This review is focussed on how novel nanotech therapeutics can apply to modern plastic surgery. The review does not pose a specific question and, therefore, does not base the review on a particular hypothesis to whether nanotech carries an evidence...

Stairsteps to breathing

Surgery of the nasal valve is a particularly challenging aspect of functional rhinoplasty surgery. The nasal valve area represents the segment with the smallest cross-sectional diameter of the entire airway. The authors of this article present a novel method to...

USA resident working patterns and on-call

As debate rages at home regarding the uneasy relationship between the restriction on trainees’ working hours, on-call patterns and the goals and outcomes of plastic surgery training programmes, it is interesting to read of similar concerns across the Atlantic. This...

The many uses of human amnion

Human amnion has been the focus of myth and superstition. To be born with the ‘caul’ intact was considered lucky and this was transferable, including legitimate selling e.g. caul amulets. In 1910 foetal membranes were first used for transplantation and...